Chapter 18 - Because You Loved Me

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Chapter 18

Because You Loved Me

Becca's P.O.V.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I can't believe they organized a birthday party for me. Everyone is here: Ronnie, my brothers and their girlfriends, my cousins, my co-workers, my friends from Doncaster, the boys...

"Guys, this is amazing... thank you very much! I'm so glad you're all here." I hugged each of them which took forever because Shelby and Ollie invited every single person I've ever met. Now I was catching up with my old friends when Shelby bumped into me.

"Hey, Shelby! You ok?" I said, seeing my roommate grinning widely and typing something on her phone.

"Oh, yeah. I'm great and you'll be soon." She answered, not taking her eyes off the phone's screen. I just rolled my eyes and continued my talk.

"So... how are you doing? Have you got a boyfriend or something?" Maggie suddenly changed the subject.

"Er... no, not really. I mean, I used to date someone, but now I'm... I'm single." I responded awkwardly.

"Single but not available... I know the felling, sister!" Ashley put her arm around my shoulder. I nodded and fake smiling and I tried to focus on the discussion, pushing away all my thoughts.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you... One Direction!" Steve, Ollie's boyfriend announced.

Some of my friends (who were huge fans of the guys) started to cheer up and call their names. The guys jumped on the stage and waved them with big smiles on their faces. Louis and Liam winked at El and Danni who were giggling near to a table full of snacks. Harry flipped his hair, giving a cheeky smile to Ronnie. Niall waved happily to Shelby who was smiling from ear to ear. Zayn went to the left side of the stage, sitting 20 meters away from me and smiling awkwardly. I did the same thing and I looked at the ground.

The known beat started to blast in the speakers and the guys sang "What Makes You Beautiful", diving crazy all the female population in the restaurant, including the waitress and... including me. The next song was "One Thing" (hee hee... I started to learn their songs ;) ). The boys pointed at their girlfriends every time they were singing "'Cause you've got that one thing!", but Zayn just looked at me and gave me one of his breath-taking smile. I turned around to grab a drink when Liam's voice filled the room.

"Is not me, is not you there's a reason, I'm just trying to read the signals I'm receiving. It's like a storm on fire, can you feel it? I don't know about you girl, but I believe it." He sang. It was my favorite 1D song, 'Another World'.

I forgot about the drink and I started to sing along with the boys.

"Uuuuu... We have a new Directioner here..." Shelby laughed in my ear.

"Oh, shut up, I'm trying to enjoy this amazing song!" I replied, turning to face the stage. Ronnie joined me and we both were screaming the lyrics from the bottom of our lungs.

"I'll lift you up, I'll never stop..." Zayn finished the song. I smiled and walked to the snack table, convinced that their mini-concert was over.

"And now, we'd like to sing one more song. I hope you'll get the message..." Niall said. All the boys looked in one direction (hahaha), so all the guests faced me, but I was surrounded by their girls and I think they didn't get it....

"Girl I see in your eyes you're disappointed 'cuz I'm the foolish one that you annoyed with your hear, I tore it apart..." Liam started.

"Gotta be you." I whispered to myself.

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