Chapter 19 - First Date

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Chapter 19

First Date

Becca's P.O.V.

"Hurry or I'll be late!" I rushed Olivia as she was applying the final touches.

"And... We're done! Come on, put on the dress now!" she said, living the room. I nodded quickly and I headed to the wardrobe. After a short search through my clothes I found it. I put carefully my dress and the accessories on me and I went in the living room.

"You look stunning, my dear!" Ollie hugged me.

"Yeah, she's absolutely right..." Shelby agreed, looking at me only for a second and then staring again at the multicolored screen of her BlackBerry.

(Becca's Outfit: )

"What time is it?" I asked patient.

"It is... 6:53. He'll be here soon." Shelby checked her phone.

I sat next to her and I decided to check my Twitter. I haven't tweeted in ages! I clicked on the Twitter app and my timeline suddenly popped on the screen. Hmm... nothing interesting. I looked over my mentions (only some birthday tweets), but one caught my attention.

"@zaynmalik: See you tonight @Rebecca_Mariii !! :) xx"

Of course I replied:

"@Rebecca_Mariii: Hurry up, it's almost 7! :P xo"


"He's here! He's here!" Olivia half screamed - half whispered. Geez, she's more excited than I am!

"Ok girls, see you later!" I waved as I took my purse. They said their good byes and started to chat about something. I opened the door and I saw Zayn with a black tux.

"Hello, handsome!" I smiled.

"You look... wow!" he said with his jaw open.

"You don't look bad yourself, too!" I responded. He continued to stare at me for a couple of seconds until I... wake him up. "Shall we?" I asked, showing him the stairs.

"Um... yeah, sorry. Let's go!" he said. We walked arm-in-arm to my new car (he he he, best present ever!!) and he opened the driver's door for me. What a gentleman! On normal dates, the boy drives, but Zayn hadn't got his license yet, so I drive to the 'secret location', following his instructions.

We arrived in a small and quiet street of London, a street that I hadn't visited before.

"Park right here." He pointed at a free park lot as I was pulling on the left side of the road. We hopped out of the car, but the only thing I saw were houses. No restaurants, no theatres, just houses.

"Zayn, our date is at one of your friend's house?" I asked confused.

"No, silly, of course not! Come on!" he took my hand and walked a few meters down the street and then we turned left on another street. The only difference was that this one was more crowded.

"We're here!" he stopped in front of a restaurant. A young couple opened the restaurant's door as they were leaving and I could smell tomato sauce and basil filling the air. Just like the first time I visited the boys' house. I looked above the door and I saw a glowing sing with 'Blu Notte" written on it.

"You took me to an Italian restaurant?" I asked, half smiling, half puzzled.

"Yeah. Do you like Italian food?"

"I love it! This is the best date ever!" I replied excited.

"Well, ladies first..." Zayn opened the door and I entered the restaurant. The heavenly smell surrounded me again as I was enjoying the violin that was playing in the corner. The restaurant was decorated very elegant, with white tablecloths, matching chairs and stuff, maybe a little bit too posh in my opinion, but fine.

"Follow me, please." A middle aged women walked in front of me. We followed her to one of the booths and we sat down.

"Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm your waitress today." A young girl said with a happy tone. Probably she recognized Zayn.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked us, looking in my eyes. Well, thanks God she's not flirting with him or something.

"I want a glass of  water." I said shyly.

"Two glasses of water, please." Zayn ordered and the girl disappeared.

I studied the menu for a few minutes until the waitress came back with our drinks.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked, a little bit relaxed now.

"Lobster Ravioli in Tomato Cream with Shrimp. What about you, babe?" Zayn said.

"Um... Alfredo Mostaccioli." I ordered the first think I saw in the menu. Even I've eaten hundreds types of pasta (my mother's aunt is Italian so she cooked us so many Italian food), I haven't seen so many pasta recipies in a menu, so I was a little bit overwhelmed.

"I'll be right back!" she smiled and disappeared again.

Zayn and I talked about everything and nothing (like we use to do :) ) when the girl came back with our food, 10 minutes later. Her hands were shaking like crazy and she was trying not to screw up everything. Her steps were getting smaller and more carefully as she was approaching to our table. Well, I'd act like this too if one of my favorite singers would be my customers...

Zayn was telling me about his latest prank (the one with the pregnant interview lady) when I felt hot, saucy pasta draining down my dress.

"I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean it! Oh, I'm going to get fired!" she apologized as she was helping me with the dress.

"It's ok, darling. Everything is going to be ok!" I tried to comfort her, hopelessly. All the clients were staring now at me while I was covered with my food.

"Zayn, can we please go home! I got to change myself!" I begged him.

"Yeah, sure." We stood up and went straight to my car. The air was colder than I thought, so I rushed in the car and started it.

"Oh, it's all my fault; I shouldn't have brought you here. Look at your dress. I bet it was new! And now it's ruined. The date is ruined!" Zayn said angrily.

"Zayn... honey, it's ok. It's not your fault, neither the waitress'. It's nobody's fault, it just happened. The dress was new, you're right, but I can wash it, I think. Besides, I've always wanted to know how Lady GaGa fells wearing all those crazy outfits. Maybe she'll credit me for the pasta dress." I said, making him laugh.

"See, there's no point in being mad for this kind of things. I'll take a shower, change into something more comfortable, with no heels, and we can continue our date. Agreed?"

Zayn nodded and we talked for the rest of the way about funny T-shirts. As we arrived home, I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, letting him explain everything to Shelby and Olivia. I washed myself quickly and I tried to find a good-enough for the rest of our date. (Her outfit: )

Zayn and the girls were waiting for me to get ready. Shelby and Ollie were sitting on the couch, watching TV, whispering to each other and giggling while Zayn was sitting on the armchair, tapping his leg. He wasn't wearing his blazer anymore.

"I'm ready." I announced as they turned around to face me.

"You look so beautiful... let's go!" Zayn said. I took his hand and went to the car, ready for our second first date :)



First of all, I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't uploaded in ages; I'm the worst uploader ever, I know :( the bad news is that I won't upload like I used to: instead of posting every day, I'll post 2-3 times a week. But I promise I'll try to make the chapters longer! The other bad news is that this story is close to the end... :(( I don't know if there'll be a sequel or not, maybe I'll start another 1D fanfic... I don't know. But I know that this story will have only 30 chapters.

Enough with the bad news, ok? Here's a picture of Shay and Zayn to make up to you guys. They look so cute together, aren't they? :) until I'll upload, take care and be as happy as I am ('cuz Zerrie followed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Gabriella xoxo

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