Chapter one:the otherwing

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Sometimes Crystal always thought of her self as a nobody but she new it
Wasn't true when anyone saw her they would bow at her talons, when she went to the shops people would always allow her at the front of line, and when she helped anyone because she just wanted to be kind
They would give her any gifts they
Could but she would try and refuse
And then she would always end up
With a necklace or a rare stone
She hated it.
Right now she was reading a scroll
About different tribes
Sometimes she wished she wasn't
A royal but when she wasn't in
A big popular places she could at
Least order privacy. Then she heard a crash in the throne room she raced over there as quickly as she could when she looked in the room
She saw the royal messenger
"Why would he be here i don't think
There's anything important today"
She thought.
Then she saw ruby and diamond
"Oh good IT is little nerdy sister
And her little tribe scroll"she had
Annoyingly said "get your head out
Of the clouds and focus on your own tribe book bug"she said as she
Spit venon on the scroll "Hey"she said
"That could have hit me"ruby was about to say something when the messenger said "I saw it i saw a other wing at the tide"
Then they heard gasp and queen emerald say "well then if you
Really did take me to the
Other wing...

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