Memories Never Seem To Fade

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Chapter One.

Title from Memories That Fade Like Photographs by All Time Low.

I remember it so clearly, the way it all started with me peeking through the window of my sleepy attic bedroom, letting my eyes wonder around the familiar background of my front yard and the street soaked with rain from the night before. The morning glow of the sun gave the world a vermillion tint, and for the first time since the morning before, the world seemed like a better place. More pure. My eyes fell on the one unfamiliar piece of the seemingly painted universe below my bedroom window: a boy.

A boy riding his bike, it was then clear to me that the bell I had heard was in fact the bell on a bicycle, his bicycle, as he he peddled slowly through my sleepy neighborhood. He stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the others who resided in my area, a place in which nothing happens, and no one is as strikingly stunning.
That morning I realized that the world holds much more beauty than what I've been exposed to in my seventeen years of life.

After that realization, I backed away from the window, the world began to turn again and I sighed into the emptiness of my room. I blinked slowly as if to blink the sleep out of my eyes; the sleep I didn't get. That year was one of torture, staying up until two in the morning and waking up around six to wish that I was able to get at least thirty minutes more. There isn't a reason that I couldn't, at least there wasn't one that was clear to me.
For some reason my mind wouldn't shut off until two or so, and I tended to wake up around six every morning in cold sweats with my mind darting around one thousand scenarios and 'what ifs' that made my blood run cold. It was a mystery to me. I hadn't had a single dream since I was thirteen, and I knew that dreaming wasn't the cause of my sleepless tendencies.

Everything seemed to be a mystery then, it all seemed so far away and detached from the world I know now.
It all started with him, and the way he changed everything in the matter of a few weeks in that summer that will always linger in the deepest parts of my mind.

Believe me, it has been thirteen years and I'm still trying to detach the perfect images of his eyes from the storm clouds that roll in just before the sky breaks and bends into a beautiful storm.


"Hello" Lisa chirped enthusiastically as I closed the door to our apartment, I glanced over to my fiancée who was sitting on the couch with a smile on her face.

"Hey" I replied, kicking my shoes off at the door as I began to unbutton my shirt, taking slow steps to our bedroom.

"Your mom called" Lisa started, I could hear her voice traveling as I made it into our room and she made it to the door, looking at me with the same smile "she misses us, we should go visit soon" she said.

I felt a pit of emotions inside me as I brought my eyes to hers, instantly beginning to shake my head slightly as she rolled her eyes at me.
"We've been here for two months, if she misses us that bad she can come see us" I said gently, trying deperately to dismiss the conversation.

"Alex.." she seemed exasperated.

"What, Lisa?" I snapped, watching her face drop even more.

"Nothing" she resorted, looking at me with an obvious look. I am the bad guy in this situation.

"Look, we are doing good, we aren't going back there and ruining the fresh start that we've had" I finalized, slipping into more comfortable clothes as she disappeared from the doorway and back into the living room where she sat when I got home.

I sighed to myself and once more tried to distract myself from the elephant in the room that we've been battling seperately in the last two months, ever since we made the decision to start fresh. It happened almost too quickly, and I wanted to pull her to a place where I wouldn't lose her as fast as I could.

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