Caught Up In The Afterglow

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Title from Afterglow by All Time Low.

"Jack, it's really hard to draw you when you're messing with your phone and turning around in a stool. Be my good model" I joked, watching him shoot me a look of both love and mischief as he challenged me.

"I'm looking at Lisa and Johns wedding pictures again" he said, chuckling "we looked so good as groomsmen" he said in a superior tone.

I nodded at him "we did, didn't we?" I agreed.

Jack eyed me in a playfully adorable way, a look of innocence and love. He had a smile on his face that I never got tired of, one that I could usually give him.

This year has been the happiest year of my entire life.

"I love you" I told him, feeling adoration for Jack seize me.

"I love you" he returned, getting up from the stool, making it clear that I could finish my drawing later. He always spends his days off with me in my studio when I work.
I'm not sure if it's the thirteen years, or if it's the love but Jack and I are together as much as possible- even if he distracts me at work.

Jack walked to where I was sitting and placed his hand on my cheek, caressing me lovingly as he lent down to bring his lips to mine. It was heaven, it always was.
I never wanted it any other way, I never wanted to be away from him again and I knew that he felt the same way.

That's exactly why I plan to do something very important tonight.

When I finished up in the studio, Jack and I returned home to get ready for our simple date night I had planned. We showered together, which consisted of Jack and I giving each other shampoo Mohawks and laughing at each other, then we slowly got dressed.
I say slowly because we goofed off quite a bit, momentarily chasing each other with towels and singing, dancing, and air guitar-ing to our favorite and most distracting playlist.

I could never get enough of Jack.

Once we finally got out of the house, I took Jack to one of our favorite local restaurants where we ate and talked about everything. No matter what, we always found something to talk about. There was never a dull moment with him, every moment felt perfect, and meant to be.
I never thought I could be so happy again.

"God, it's beautiful, Alex" Jack said, his arm hooked on mine as we took a slow walk through one of the most beautiful parks. He was talking about the sunset, which we come here to watch at least once a week, usually more.

He tells me how beautiful it is every time, and I never get tired of it, because it's the truth.

Usually we just take a walk, watch the sunset and then head home, but tonight I wanted to stay longer. I found the perfect spot and laid a blanket out for us to sit on. We watched it, and talked the entire time about everything.

The world, our beliefs, silly stories, memories, the future, all of it.
I've never felt so close to anyone in my life, and this is heaven, I'm sure of it.

Once the sun went down, we were surrounded by afterglow that was quickly and beautifully transforming into the night sky.
It was the perfect time. The pink, orange and yellow colors were fading so that half the sky was a bluish purple.

We were in a comfortable silence when I pulled the small box out of my back pocket. Jack didn't even notice it at first until I opened it to reveal a very simple ring.
Silver band on the outside, but on the inside of the ring there was something very simple engraved.

Jack, my one great love.

Jack began to cry almost immediately, and I did too.
"Jack Barakat" I started, and he cried even more. "Fourteen years ago, I had the exquisite privilege of becoming yours. I knew from the very moment that I saw you out of my window, when you rang that stupid little bicycle bell, that I would be yours for the rest of my life- whether you would have me or not." We chuckled together through tears. "Fourteen years, and there has not been a single ounce of my love for you lost, even when we were lost from each other- waiting to be found. No one can make me smile, and laugh, and grow the way you can. You make me a better person, and you help me to understand the world in a way I've never understood it. I never want to know what it's like to live a day without being by your side again, and if you'll accept this ring, I'll love for you to be my husband"

By the end of my small speech, Jack and I were both crying harder. He was shaking his head very clearly "yes, Alex, of course I'll be your husband" he cried as he collapsed into me, wrapping himself around me so tightly.

I would spend the rest of my days in deep, beautiful happiness with my one great love.

Thank you so much for reading this! It means everything to me, I know this isn't the greatest thing I've written but I put a lot into it.

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