Can We Find A New Beginning?

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Chapter Five.

Title from Oh, Calamity by All Time Low.

Jack and I joked around in his light bedroom, the room was light blue and not very characterized at all, but there was one thing that I took note of.

"Do you play?" I asked him, motioning towards the guitar that sat in the corner. It was acoustic, most likely a starter guitar.

Jack sighed "I tried, I just never really got the hang of it" he said lightheartedly, but I could tell that it was something he was disappointed about.

"I can teach you" I said without even thinking about it. "I'm not perfect but I started playing when I was little" I said, as I stood up to grab the guitar and handed  it to Jack.

"I don't know" he said doubtfully "I think I'm kinda unteachable" he laughed it off, but I shook my head.

"You can do anything you wanna do if you work hard enough for it, as cliché as that sounds. Come on, I'll help you"

And I did help him.
And it worked, Jack Barakat was not unteachable, in fact he turned out to be incredibly talented. By the time he left me, he was just as good as I was, and I knew that he would get even better than that.
For thirteen years, I longed to hear him play again, to hear his creative jingles he could come up with without much thought at all.


Days went by. Days of only getting small glances of Jack sometimes when I checked the mail, days of contemplation.

Days of wondering if he missed me, if he needed me, if he craved me the way I craved him.

Sometimes I daydreamed of walking out of my apartment at any given time and marching over to Derek's, pounding on the door to greet Jack- to greet him as my lover instead of a stranger. I dreamed of kissing him again, of holding him in my arms and showing him how much I missed him.

I never thought I would see Jack again, but I always imagined that if I did, we would both drop everything and run into each other's embrace. I always imagined that if I met him again, no matter where I was in my life, I would immediately fall back to being his.

I would've done that if he seemed ready. I just didn't know how he felt about this, about us.

As much as I wanted to know, I didn't know what was in Jacks mind. What he was thinking about all of this and if he is willing to be mine once again.
He's given me no indication.

For sake of myself, I decided to visit the only place I was sure to be alone with him. I walked the short distance from the parking lot to the cute guitar shop that I was informed of by Lisa.
Upon walking in, I immediately spotted Jack in the back corner of the store, fumbling with a black guitar that was rather nice.

My heart pounded heavier, and almost burst like it does each time I see him. My love for him never died, or even lessened even a little bit.

I walked in without him knowing, casually walking up behind him as he continued to play with the strings a bit. I eyed the cashier behind the small and empty counter before clearing my throat behind Jack. "Would you by any chance have an opening to speak with a potential student?" I asked him, putting a more proper tone on my voice.

Jack immediately spun around, his eyes widened for a moment, but he still kept his stricken gaze. His eyes swam with so many things. "Why.. I suppose I have some time, yes" he said, keeping up my professional game. I smirked at him and he lead me only an isle away to a room in the guitar shop. It was an office for him, a small desk in the corner, but everything else was chairs and guitar stands, sheet music.

Waiting To Be Found (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now