I Would've Married You

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Chapter Seven.

Title from Vegas by All Time Low.

Jack brought his guitar and sat on my bed, fumbling and playing random things that somehow sounded so beautiful to me.
While watching him, I had a strange and desperate feeling of keeping that moment forever. Without much thought I picked up a pencil and paper and began to sketch Jack there on my bed, the background as my sleepy attic bedroom that forever belonged more to him than myself. Even now, that room is more his than mine, as the bed we laid on together will never lose the memories of what happened there.

"Holy shit, Alex" he said, looking at me with pure and honest surprise. "You're amazing" he said, enthused as he picked up the sketch.

"Oh, I don't-"

"No. Don't you dare say you aren't" he silenced me, smiling as he stood beside where I was sitting at my desk. He stepped closer to me and pressed my head into his chest. "You could make money off of things like this- that's how good you are! You could be an artist or-or a graphic designer... can I have this?" He asked so enthusiastically, I thought it was the cutest thing in the world.

"Yes, you can have it" I said, red faced from the compliments.

"But you have to put your signature on the bottom like a real artist" he said, chuckling as he continued to flatter me "because you are a real artist"

I rolled my eyes and put my initials on the bottom of the page that held the sketch on it. He hugged me again, and kissed my forehead as he continued to look at the picture.
He made me feel so special that night, and it still does when I remember him saying those things to me.

"I love you, Jack Barakat" I had whispered to him as he put the picture down.

"And I love you, Alex Gaskarth" he returned, very lightly. His face was inches from my and his words sent shivers down my spine.

I wanted him forever, but I knew the summer was coming to an end.

That night when we made love in my bed, he cried out to me that he loved me. So out of the blue that it almost touched me enough to bring me to tears. He was inside of me when he said it, and in that moment my heart burst with the most passion I had felt.
We climaxed together that night, proclaiming our love to each other again and again as we did.

I never wanted to lose him.


I don't know what it was that brought me out of my sleep, maybe it was lovers intuition, or maybe it was the yelling.

I was barely awake when I heard it, and It didn't click in my mind until I turned to look at Lisa who had her lamp on and was sitting up against the headboard.

Her eyes fell on me as I turned my body to see her.

Jack and Derek are yelling at each other, a loud and heated argument that concerned us both even without admitting it to each other.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily, trying to listen but unable to make out any of the words.

"Just past one" she sighed, biting her lip.

"Don't worry, they're going to be okay" I assured her, sitting up and trying to give her a smile, attempting to hide the fact that I was worried enough for the both of us.

I felt guilty for not being worried about if their relationship was going to end, I was worried for Jack. I couldn't stand knowing he was in a stressful situation, an argument over something. I couldn't stand knowing he was probably hurting.

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