Chapter 02: New Faces and New Friends

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The Fletchling kept on chirping happily, as if it were proud of itself. I gave it a small glare before I let out another sigh. I couldn't really blame the Fletchling for what it did, since my mom probably ordered it to do so. I was actually somewhat glad that it woke me up, since I didn't want to endure that nightmare any longer than I had to. 

Still...that peck still hurt!

Knowing that my mom would nag me, I decided to change out of my pajamas and be a functioning human. 

Once I went down stairs, I was greeted by an..interesting greeting. 

"It's about time you get going!" My mom exclaimed. "Why don't you go outside and say hello to the neighbors?"

"But-" I tried to convince her otherwise. 

"Skylar, I can't have you being a social hermit like you were before the move!" She scolded. "Now, GO!"

"Yes, mom.." I groaned. 

Against my will, I slowly opened the door to find two people outside, seeming to be waiting for someone. One of them was a girl with a tan skin tone, dark green eyes, and long brown hair which she kept in pigtails. The other was a boy who had straight, chin length black hair with gray eyes. They stood there for a little bit until the male decided to speak. 

"Welcome to Vaniville Town!" He greeted. "The name's Calem. I live next door."

"And I'm Shauna!" The female exclaimed. "Great to meet you!"


"Guess what!" Shauna suddenly cut me off. "We've come to get you!" 

"W-Why's that-?" I managed to ask. 

"The renown Professor Sycamore lives here in Kalos," Calem stated. "I heard he has a task for five kids, including us, but I'm more surprised that he knows who you are. After all, you just moved to Vaniville."

I awkwardly shifted as Calem continued to speak. Did they even notice that they missed an important detail?

 I guess they didn't, since they just kept on going. 

"I'm Skylar." I let out a sigh, and I finally got their attention. "It's nice to meet the two of you."

"Oh! I completely forgot to ask for your name!" Shauna suddenly blurted. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine," I brushed a strand of my honey colored hair out of my face as I spoke. "Now, what were you saying?"

"Right! We'll wait for you in the next town over!" Suddenly, the other female looked rather chipper. "And you know what?!"

"What?" I asked, tilting my head a little bit. 

"We're going to get...." She made her voice sound as dramatic as possible. "a Pokémon!"

My blood suddenly ran cold. 

"A-A...Pokémon..?" I stammered. 

"Yeah!" She shouted. "Now, c'mon! Hurry! Let's go!"

Calem and Shauna suddenly ran off, leaving me behind. They quickly made their way out of Vaniville town as I was stuck in my own thoughts. 

"From the day you chose your very first Pokémon, you will lose every Pokémon you gain."

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