Chapter 09: So Much Walking

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When I woke up from my well needed nap, I felt completely refreshed. I saw that Seviper and Gonyonyo patiently waiting for me. Reluctantly, I left the cozy bed and got ready to go. A part of me was still hesitant of continuing on, but I pushed those thoughts away. I needed to keep moving forward, despite the curse I have. 

And even though I may lose every Pokémon I catch, there was the bright side of this curse. 

I got to make new friends that I most likely wouldn't have met without it.

Before Gonyonyo, Seviper, and I exited the building, I thanked the woman for letting me stay there for a little while. 

We all went back up to Route 2 to enter the forest ahead, but we were suddenly stopped by some young kid. 

"When two Trainers' eyes meet, a Pokémon battle must begin!" He exclaimed. "Go, Zigzagzoon!"

He threw out a Pokéball that opened to reveal his Zigzagoon. I had no choice but to participate in this battle, so I had Seviper go against the opposing Pokémon. She gave me a small nod as if to signal she was ready to do this.

"Seviper, Bite!" 

Seviper lunged forward and bit the Zigzagoon with her sharp fangs. The opposing Pokémon let out a cry of pain as the attack did tons of damage. However, it wasn't strong enough to knock it out. In return, the Zigzagoon let out a growl, but it didn't do anything major. 

I had Seviper use Bite one more time, which easily took care of that Zigzagoon. 

"You should've told me you were THAT strong!" The kid pouted.

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity. 

Gonyonyo congratulated Seviper on her first victory on the team, which made her smile a little bit. There was definitely something blossoming there. The three of us then walked into the overhead forest, unsure of what was to come. 

Once we got there, the forest was huge. The scent of pine was overwhelming and I could hear Pokémon cries echoing throughout the area. Seviper let out a soft hiss, which granted her a cry back. She let out a sound of content before we continued forward. 

"Sky, wait up!" I turned around to see Shauna smiling widely at me. "Let's walk together! I feel like something exciting will happen if I stay by you!"

"Okay.." I blinked in suprise before I nodded. 

A thought suddenly popped into my head once Shauna followed me. 

If I wanted to catch any Pokémon, Shauna would see my curse. I glanced down at my Pokémon, who currently had worried looks on their faces. I assumed that they had the same worries as me. 

But suddenly, I had an idea.

"Shauna, did you hear that?" I asked her. 

"What are you talking about, Sky?" She looked at me in confusion. "I don't hear anything."

"Well...I think I heard a Pikachu's cry somewhere over there," I pointed in my opposite direction. "Maybe we could regroup once you go catch it?"

"Oh my gosh, that's a great idea!" Shauna exclaimed. "Thanks, Sky!"

She ran off in the other direction, leaving me with Gonyonyo and Seviper. I let out a sigh of relief, and thanking whoever was out there for her believing in me. I surveyed the area before I actually saw a Pikachu. 

"Alright, let's do this!" I pulled out a Pokéball and tossed it at the Pikachu. "Go, Pokéball!"

The ball hit the Pikachu on the head, which made it let out a confused cry before it was absorbed in. Some time passed and the capture was good. The Pikachu ended up being female, and I named her Apricot. 

As expected, Apricot's Pokéball began to fade in and out of existence before the familiar zap rang through my ears. 

"I hope you go to a good trainer, Apricot," I murmured. 

I glanced over in the other direction, seeing that Shauna was still looking for the Pikachu I told her about. Another zap filled my ears, and my attention was brought to the new Pokéball in my hands. It opened slowly to reveal a Zigzagoon. 

As my Pokémon went to go greet it, I pulled my Pokédex to scan the newcomer. Level 2, female, Quirky nature. I looked back up to see her getting along really well with the others, which made me happy. 

"Well, welcome to the team, Zigzagoon!" I gave her a smile as I petted her head. 

"Zig?" She gave me a confused look for a second. 

"Zigzagoon, since you're so low leveled, I don't feel safe with training you without a partner," I told her. "So..for the mean time, just stick with Seviper and Gonyonyo, okay?" 

She gave me a nod and headed back to the other Pokémon. 

Suddenly, Shauna ran over to where I was, looking sort of disappointed. 

"Shauna..what's wrong?" I asked her. 

"Well, I did find the Pikachu!" She told me. "But me and my Li'l Fennekin scared it off.."

I gave her shoulder a pat, showing my sympathy for her. She mustered a smile before we continued onward. As I looked up ahead, I noticed that there was still a lot of the forest we had to cover. 

And that means...a lot of walking.


Current Team

Gonyonyo the Whismur

Level: 8

Paired with Seviper 

Nature: Sassy



Echoed Voice


Level: 8

Paired with Gonyonyo

Nature: Docile

Item: Persim Berry






Level: 2

Paired with no one

Nature: Quirky




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