Chapter 06: Journey Start!

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A/N: Once you reach Route 2, the game automatically makes your first encounter a Pidgey. Now, because of this, Pidgey does not count as my first encounter. Once I officially receive Pokéballs, I will actually get my first encounter.


Before Jello and I made our way to the exit of Aquacorde Town, I decided to stock up on some potions. 

You always had to be prepared for the worst, right?

Especially when your Pokémon may disappea-

Will you please just shut up, brain?

After we left the potion shop, Jello and I approached the gate to Route 2.  A hiker suddenly stopped us before we could go anywhere. Jello let out another croak, which I guessed signalled his annoyance. 

"Hey, Pokémon Trainer!" He shouted. "If you set foot in the tall grass, a wild Pokémon will pop out! But you'll be fine, because your Pokémon partner will battle for you!" 

"Thanks," I mumbled. 

Now that the hiker was done talking, it was time to hit the road. Jello and I followed the path that led to Route 2. I surveyed the area, only seeing tall grass and trees. Suddenly, a chirping sound brought me out of thoughts. 

"Oh, hey, a Pidgey!"

The flying Pokémon was nesting in the grass, grooming its wings. It suddenly perked up when it heard my exclamation. I looked down at Jello, who gave me a small nod, which signalled that it was ready. 

"Alright, Jello, use Bubble!"

A spray of countless bubbles was jetted at the opposing Pidgey. The Pidgey let out an alarmed chirp once did a lot of damage. 

Did...Jello hit a critical hit?

The Pidgey then pecked Jello before he could even comprehend what he had just did. Jello let out a small croak of pain as he was knocked over. However, he hopped back onto his feet. The Pidgey laughed at Jello for falling over, and he glared at it before staringat me.

"Okay, use Bubble one more time!" Just as I said that, more bubbles struck the Pidgey.  

It let out a loud, angry squawk before he decided to fly off and retreat. Jello stuck out his tongue before he let out a happy croak. I'm guessing he was happy that we defeated such a rude Pokémon. 

"Great work, Jello!" I told him, which earned me another happy croak. 

I walked forward to see Shauna and Calem looking over at the tall grass.

 Were they catching Pokémon? 

"Oh, hi, Sky!" She greeted as she ran over to me. "Come learn how to catch Pokémon with me!"

My assumption was correct, then. 

I gave her a small nod, even though I already knew how to catch Pokémon from reading tutorials. She grabbed my hand and ran back over to where Calem was still standing. Well, there was no escaping this now. 

"Calem's mom and dad are amazing Trainers!" Shauna exclaimed. "That's why he knows so much about catching Pokémon and battling!"

"You can talk about my parents if you want, but it doesn't have anything to do with me," Calem let out a sigh before he continued to speak. "I'm going to show you how to catch one now, so watch carefully!"

He ran around in the grass for a little bit until a Bunnelby hopped out.

"Go, Fletchling!" He shouted as he threw out his Pokéball.


When did he get a Fletchling?

"Bunn?" The Bunnelby tilted its head in confusion as it stared at Calem and his Fletchling in confusion.

"Use Tackle!" His Fletchling quickly flew over to the Bunnelby and knocked the poor thing off of its feet. 

Once it got up, it glared at Fletchling in a way that made it chirp nervously. Bunnelby wasn't that scary, if I'm being honest. Calem looked at Shauna, who was gushing over how cute the Bunnelby was. Typical behavior of hers. He let out a sigh before he continued on. 

"Be sure to weaken the Pokémon before you throw any Pokéballs at it," Calem told the two of us as he pulled out a Pokéball from his coat's pocket. "Let's go! Bunnelby!"

He tossed the Pokéball at the Pokémon, and it looked up before it was absorbed into it. 

Then, the awkward silence of waiting for the Pokémon to be caught. One shake..two shakes..three! Finally, it decided to stay in the ball. Calem picked up his newly caught Bunnelby before he returned to Shauna and I. 

"Wow! The Pokémon went inside the Pokéball?!" She waved her hands in a dramatic manner in shock. 

"Seriously, Shauna? Did you forget already?" The male let out a sigh. "Your Fennekin is in a Pokéball, right?"

She jumped up, as if she suddenly remembered something. 

"Anyway, I'll share some Pokéballs with you two," He walked over to me and handed me ten Pokéballs. 

I quickly loaded them into my bag.

"Pokéballs!" She exclaimed. "Do you think I can catch Pokémon with them, too?"

"If you throw a Pokéball at a Pokémon around here, you'll probably catch it," Calem seemed somewhat annoyed with Shauna's cluelessness.

"Okay! If I find a cute Pokémon, I'll throw lots of Pokéballs at it, and then we'll become friends!" Shauna squealed.

Calem then turned to me, and I guessed he was done talking to Shauna for now. 

"Catching a wild Pokémon makes your Pokémon stronger, too," He explained. "Be seeing you."

And...he ran off. 

I walked off into the tall grass, trying to see if there were any wild Pokémon to catch. Suddenly, a growl tore my attention away from what I was doing. I looked over to see Jello and another Bunnelby growling at each other. 

"Another Bunnelby!" I exclaimed, which caught their attention. "Now, I have to catch it!"

They both stared at each other for a moment before Jello hopped back over to me. 

"Jello, quick, use Pound!" Right on cue, he ran up and hit the Bunnelby, which  weakened it pretty well. 

The Bunnebly just glared at Jello, which made him croak nervously. It seemed to be good at making other Pokémon nervous.. That must've made it a good pick! I shoved my hand down into my bag and pulled out a Pokéball for my new capture. 

"Let's do this! Go, Pokéball!" I tossed the ball which soared right above the Bunnelby's head. It quickly hit Bunnebly's head, enclosing it inside. Then, it began to shake. 




The Pokéball stopped shaking, and a smile formed onto my face. Jello looked back at me, looking extremely happy as well. I then pulled out my Pokédex to examine my new team member. 

"You're a female, huh?" I tapped my chin, thinking of a good name. "I know! I'll call you Quiche!"

"Froak?" Jello gave me a weird look when he heard Bunnelby's nickname. 

"I'm still hungry, okay?" 

I was about to let Quiche out of her Pokéball, but a noise suddenly stopped me. It sounded kind of like static. I looked around for the source until Jello pointed to Quiche's Pokéball. Her Pokéball looked as if it were fading in and out of existence. 

"Wh..What?!" I yelped in alarm. 

The noise was obviously was coming from Quiche's Pokéball. 


My thoughts were suddenly cut short by a zapping sound ringing through my ears. When I looked back down into my hand's palm, Quiche's Pokéball disappeared!


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