Chapter 16: Meeting the Professor

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I could barely take in the sight before me. Winding streets and tall building littered my vision as the aroma of cafes nearby filled my nose. I could see and hear people chatting idly on the streets. Even from where I was standing, the Prism Tower was in my field of vision. Suddenly, Sina and Dexio walked ahead of me. 

"I'll go wait ahead and wait in front of the lab for you!" Sina exclaimed.

"Follow her that way to the lab!" Dexio told me as Sina walked away down the long street. 

I followed her down there until we reached an odd looking building. It had a bit of a more suburban look to it than the other buildings. Sina suddenly turned towards me before she decided to speak. 

"This is the Sycamore Pokémon Lab!" Sina chirped. "Let's go inside!"

I followed her inside the building. 

"You've traveled a long way from Vaniville Town, but you're finally here!" The other female cheered once we entered the lab. "The professor can't wait to meet you. You can find him on the third floor, so hop in the elevator!"

I briefl thanked Sina for leading the way before I hopped into the elevator. I was execting to be waiting for a long time, but that simply wasn't the case. In an instant, I was taken to the third floor. The doors opened to reveal a middle-aged man, with black, curly hair, bluish eyes and some facial hair under his ears. I tilted my head in confusion for little bit until he decided to speak. 

"So we finally meet!" The man oddly seemed very excited at that moment. "Fantastic! You're here! Come this way, won't you?" 

I nodded slowly, allowing him to lead me to what seemed to be his office. 

"Many thanks for coming all the way from Vaniville Town!" He dramatically stretched out his arms. "I'm Professor Sycamore! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

I gave him a small smile before he continued to speak. 

"How is your Pokémon journey going so far? Have you met many different Pokémon?" He asked me. 

I nervously shifted, not really knowing what to say. 

Should I tell him about my curse?

Would he know anything?

I let out a sigh, finally knowing what to say. 

"It's been going well," I replied. "I've seen many more Pokémon than I would have normally."

"Fantastic! Let me have a quick look at your Pokédex and see!" I handed him my Pokédex and allowed to glance through it. "Oh ho! The pages are getting filled in! It's starting to look good!"

I smiled at him as put my Pokédex away. When I looked up at the professor, I saw that he was now examining me. I messed with some of my hair before Professor Sycamore spoke again. 

"Well now, you DO have a certain je ne sais quoi! I have a good feeling about you!" He told me. "At first, I was thinking of choosing only one child from a town when I was deciding to give a Pokémon to. In Vaniville Town, it was going to be the child of a Veteran Trainer I know. About then, I learned that the Rhyhorn racer Grace and her daughter were moving here. Here in the Kalos region, you're far away from everything you know... That really hit me right here... Then it hit me--I should give you a Pokémon and have you travel around Kalos!" 

"Hi, Professor!" A very familiar voice shouted. "It's Shauna!"

"Sorry to have kept you waiting," Calem and Shauna suddenly came running into the office.

"Fantastic! Now, let's all have a Pokémon battle!" Professor Sycamore exclaimed. "Your opponent shall be me!"


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