Youse Bettah Call Yours Truly: Mush One Shot

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Requested by Aericka

Aericka was always getting herself into trouble. Especially when it came to the Delancey brothers, Oscar and Morris. She's always come across as the sweet innocent type at first but that was contrary to how she actually was. You could say that Aericka had a bit of anger issues. That's exactly why Specs referred to her as Hyde instead of Aericka. Being that Specs only read one book in his life, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he had always thought that that's what she reminded him of.

Now you might think that Aericka was a newsie considering that she was friends with all of them. But that wasn't the case. She was just a girl who worked in the factory. She wasn't treated well at all of course but the newsies were friends with et and always tried to help her out especially if she had a small injury from the factory work.

But Aericka's best friend was Mush. Mush had always been sweet on her. Sure he did like to flirt with lots of different girls. That's just the way he was. But he always thought of Aericka a bit differently. More of a romantic kind of way. But he just never knew how exactly to tell her.

One day Aericka was working in the factory when one of the girls approached her. "Aericka, don't you know that newsie, Mush?" she asked.

Aericka looked up at the girl and nodded. "Of course I do, Amber. May I remind you. The newsies are all my very best friends."

Amber nodded as she set her hands on her hips. "I thought so. Well that boy Mush, he's awful cute. I'd go on a date with him."

Aericka got slightly jealous by this. She did have feelings for Mush. She just, well, never had told him. "Amber, I'm going to ask you nicely. Please don't. I like Mush more than a friend."

But Amber only rolled her eyes. "So what? I can flirt with him if I want."

Aericka stood up, though she wasn't too intimidating at first with her short height of 5'3" and her long honey brown hair. "Now listen Amber. Stop it right now. You never even talked to Mush. And I happen to know that you don't deserve such a wonderful guy like Mush. I've heard about how you sneak around with all those different guys. Mush doesn't deserve that."

Amber took her and and slapped Aericka across the face. "Don't you dare! Maybe I do sneak around with boys but that doesn't mean anything!"

Aericka held a hand to her now stinging face and stumbled back from the blow. One of the heads of the factory came over. "There's no fighting in this factory! What is going on?!"

Amber pretended to cry. "She threatened me and then she tried to attack me so I hit her out of self defense!" she lied.

"That's not true!" Aericka argued.

But the head of the factory shook his head. "No I want you out of here for today. Come back tomorrow when you learn how to be respectful," he said as he tossed her out, making her fall to the ground on the cold pavement.

Mush just happened to be walking by as Aericka was thrown onto the pavement. He raced over, recognizing it was her, as she began to have a panic attack. An her panic attacks were pretty severe. "Hey shhh. Aericka it's me. You're alright. Ise promise. I'm 'ere. It's your buddy Mush."

Aericka seemed to calm down just a bit. "M-mush?" She said as she sat on the pavement in his arms as she placed a hand gently on his cheek.

Mush nodded. "Yeah I'm 'ere. Youse alright? What 'appened?"

Aericka nodded. "Well I g-got into a b-bit of a f-fight with a girl."

Mush sighed and he noticed how her cheek was a bit red. "Did she hit youse 'ere?"

Aericka nodded slowly. A few tears fell down her cheeks and she couldn't help but sniffle.

"'ey it's alright. Youse know Ise think this might be a good time ta tell youse since maybe it would make you feel bettah," Mush said getting up some courage. But he didn't say anything. He leaned towards her and gently and softly pressed his lips on hers.

Once he pulled away Aericka's eyes were wide. "Mush? What was that for?" To be completely honest he was glad that he kissed her and she liked it.

"Ise uh like youse," Mush said as she ran a hand through his hair. "Youse know. More dan a friend."

Aericka gained a smile on her face. She really was glad that Mush had told her and it did cheer her up. She nodded. "I'm glad you told me Mush. I like you too."

Mush looked completely shocked. "Youse do? Youse really like me too?"

Aericka nodded as she still smiled up at him. "Of course I do Mush. I've liked you for a long time."

Mush hugged her tightly in his arms. "I'm gonna be 'ere for yous always. My goil. An' if yous get in a fight again, youse bettah call yours truly. Cause I'm always gonna be dere for youse."

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