The King of Brooklyn? Scared?

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It was that time of year again. Halloween. And believe it or not Spot hated it. He was a tough guy. That was for sure. But Halloween just sort of scared him.

That could definitely be used to the best advantage. And Kinslie, one of Spot's newsies from Brooklyn, knew it. She was a mischievous type of girl. There was no denying it.

"Alright boys we'll need ta get 'im good an' scared. Got it?"

That night the boys and few girls all gathered around the room.

"Would yous tell us a story Kinslie? You're always good at that!" one of the little boys said. He was in on the prank no doubt but it was no secret that Kinslie told the best stories.

"Course Ise 'an Mittens!" Kinslie smiled. The little boy was found only with mittens along with what he wore hence the name Mittens.

"Alright lets see. Oh I've goit it! Just fa Halloween!"

Spot's eyes widened. Not Halloween.

"We'll once upon da long times ago, dere was a fearless leader. A king ya see! Ya know he reminds me lots of our good ol' king! Spot!"

Spot was getting a little worried. Please let him live. Please let him live.

"Anyways, da king was off ridin' past da graveyard one day ta get to the othah castle as one does. But he heard dis noise. So he decided ta stap. See what it all was, ya know. Once he was off 'is horse he heard it from da graveyard."

Spot held his pillow close to himself. Why would you go in the graveyard?! That's just a terrible idea.

"So when he got inside he looked all 'round. But nothin'. He couldn't find anything! Now just when he was 'bout to leave he heard somethin' right behind him."

Don't turn around. Don't turn around, Spot thought.

"An' dat's when he saw da scariest ghost ya evah did see! An' ya know what 'appened?"

Mittens shook his head.

"He got so scared he died. Alright well night everyone!"

"Night Kinslie!" They all called and went to fall asleep, turning out the lights.

All except Spot. His eyes were wide and he was shaking, holding the pillow close.

It's gonna be alright. Just go to sleep, he told himself.

Five minutes later. Nothing. Until he heard a noise.

Oh no. Not a noise.

He sat up straight in bed and looked around the room.

"W-who's there?"

No answer.

"Alright. Just go back ta sleep Spot," he said to himself as he laid back down.

But then there was one noise. "BOO!" someone yelled from behind him, making him scream like a girl and fall off the bed.

Kinslie burst into a fit of laughter. "You scream like a girl!"

"Kinslie! Why I oughta!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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