Chapter 4 "Hurtful words"

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*Mariyah pov*

While waiting for Henry. I went to my room for a while and wear a little appropriate clothes. So I just wear my oversize black hoddie and black jeans. The reason why I always wear hoddie because I'm so insecure. I wear my hoodie, I then went down.

"Mom,dad, my friend Henry is coming" I said

"Your boyfriend?" Dad ask

"I'm too ugly to have a boyfriend" I stated

"No you're not" said mom

"Mariyah don't say that" said dad "if you lose weight trust me all the boys are waiting for you"

"I hope so"

*Door bell ringing*

I open the door and it was Henry. He was holding my hoddie.

"Hey Henry ,come in" I smile

"It's ok, I have some plans to do" said Henry

"You came all the way just to return my hoddie?"

He smile and give me back the hoodie. I smell my hoddie and it smell good like he have washed it.

"I wash the hoddie for you" Henry smile

"Omg you shouldn't" I felt guilty

"Why?" He furrowed his brows

"Why would you be so nice to wash for me while I haven't even wash your friend's shirt yet"

"It's fine" he chuckled

"I'll get the shirt first, it's upstairs"

I went upstairs to grab the shirt while he wait outside for a while. After I grab the shirt I went back to him and give him. I thank him multiple times ,he then went off.

Wow he's the only guy is being nice to me until he came to my house and return my hoddie, while the other guys are just so bad.

I went back inside and my mom call my name


"Yes mom?" I reply

"Your aunt Caroline is going to marry in 8 weeks time" mom explained "she wanted you to be her bridesmaid"

"OMG REALLY?" I'm so excited "who else is going to be the bridesmaid?"

"You and your 3 other cousins" said mom "We're going to her house today and her wedding dresser will be there, they will want to ask your size later"

"Hell yeah" I reply enthusiasmly


My whole family went there, we sat on the hall and there's an old women who sew for us the wedding gown and dresses she then say

"So who's the bridesmaid here?" Ask the old women

I have three girls cousin
1st is Angela
2nd is Clara
3rd is zelle

The 4 of us raised our hands and I raised mine enthusiasmly of how excited I am. The old women look at me and she say

"What size are you?"

"I usually wear XL" I reply

"Sorry but there's no such things as fat bridemaids" said the old women "I don't have enough fabric for you"

"Oh it's fine" I suddenly sounded down

My heart hurt very bad, it feels like a thousands knife stabbing my heart and it can't be heal. I hold my tears back. This is the most hurtful words than What Dustin did to me

My family look at me and I felt embarrassed. Minutes later they continue with their gown and dreeses. Why am I even here? I'm just an extra girl who occupied spaces for them to fill with skinny dresses, I shouldn't even be here.

I get up and walk out of the house, leaving everyone behind. My mom and dad called me but I Ignore and I know I'm going to be in trouble at home for doing that but I don't care.

As I walk home I cried. I held a taxi and went back home

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