Chapter 11 "Binge-eating"

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*Mariyah pov*

"MARIYAHH" Henry called my name from far distance. I look over my shoulder and he's approaching me. I turn my body back and face him

"Do you want to go out later?"

"I uhh-" I stutter suddenly Sarah came

"Hey Henry" she said in a flirty way.

My heart started beating fast an hoping that he didn't tell her that we went out yesterday.

"How about we go out together the 3 of us" I said

Suddenly a deep familiar voice speak

"We're coming" I look over to the person and it was Dustin and ryder

"Hey Dustin" said Henry and they give each other a boys handshake.

"Wait this fatty came along?" Dustin ask while looking at Henry, with his finger pointing to me.

"she's-" Henry haven't finish his sentence and

"Busy" I finish his sentence with a fake smile "I'm going to be busy, so have fun" and I walk away

I walk to the class and seat alone. Sarah then came

"Mariyah why didn't you come along"

"you heard what he said" my faced fill with anger "he's being mean to me again"


"Shut up Sarah, I won't go with them and that's it fullstop" I rolled my eyes

"Ok,ok geez you're scary"


I go back home and lye down on my bed ,I then receive a message from Sarah

Babby boo are sure, you don't want to come along?

Preettty sure, have fun

I weight myself again, I lost 1kg so I'm now 80kg. I'm so proud of myself.


7pm night later

"MARIYAH!" mom called


I went down and my mom and dad go dressed up neat.

"Mariyah get ready we're going to have dinner with aunt caroline with her fiance at the restaurant, the whole family will be there" said mom

Oh no, I don't want to binge eating again.

"Mom can I not go?" I said

"You have to darling" said mom "it is so rude of us, if we didn't"

"I don't want to binge eating"

"Just eat a little honey, you also haven't eat anything yet since morning"


"No but, go and get ready" mom command

I went up to my room take a quick shower, wear light make up. I then wear jeans and black hoodie. After done getting ready, I went down to meet my parents.

"Mariyah can you not wear that"

"Wear what?" I furrowed my brows

"Where hoddie all the time, can you be feminist a little, we're going on a dinner"

"Mom if you force me to come along, then let me wear what I want" I snap

"MARIYAH" her eyes wide open "if you don't change we're not going"

"I think is better if we don't go"

My mom then started crying again of how rude I am lol mom, she always cry.

My dad then out his arm around my shoulder and say

"Honey please don't make mom any difficult, just change to a nicer clothes" dad plead

"FINE" I shouted and walk to my room.

I open my wardrobe, and I don't know what to wear, because half of my wardrobe is full of my hoddie. Urghhh, I then grab jeans and wear my old mom's black half cropped long sleeve. Urghhh I look awful.

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