Chapter 6 - Tribunal

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Julia Talbert was checking her watch in the lobby of the district police HQ in Brighton, waiting for Alec and Jenny to arrive. The Tribunal was scheduled to start in fifteen minutes and she needed to go over some procedures with them. Finally, she saw them coming through the door and security check station.

Alec, out of breath and holding Jenny's hand apologized, "Sorry we're late, the train was delayed, then we had to check in at the hotel and run here. Where do we go?"

Julia picked up her briefcase as she motioned them to follow her. "You're here now, that is what's important. We're in hearing room one, at the end of the hall. I should warn you the members of the Tribunal are substantial, whether by design or accident. We drew Deputy Assistant Commissioner Bishop, who is the lead hearing officer. The other two are Chief Superintendent Thorn and Chief Constable Granger. So watch your P's and Q's."

Jenny looked bewildered but Alec looked upset. "Jesus, do we have a chance? Sounds like a kangaroo court to me."

Julie met Alec's worried gaze. She didn't want to hear the question that came next, After Sandbrook he had every right to be concerned for his career. "Well Bishop, I only know by reputation, but they say he is very fair. Thorn, I've dealt with before, he's eccentric but fair. Granger, I don't know, she just transferred to this area from Manchester."

Arriving at the door to the hearing room, they saw Ellie sitting on a bench outside. They barely had time to say hello before an officer rushed them inside.

"Hardy, I know you know what happens in these things, but for Jenny's benefit," Julie said as she ran through the procedure, "I'll go over a few things. Unlike a court trial, the rules are more relaxed. Either side may begin first, it's usually decided by a coin toss. I won the toss so once the charges are read, I can begin. I will call you first Hardy, then Jenny. Miller will be my third witness. Mycroff can cross exam as I will her witnesses. The hearing officers can ask questions any time, they can also stop the proceedings and go back to a witness if something does not match with the current witness. Basically, they are gods, whatever they want, they get. Watch your language and carry a professional attitude."

Jenny, in a trembling voice, "Julia, I'm scared. Will we be okay, can you win?"

"Don't you worry Jenny, I guarantee we will win. A lot of help has been provided by your friends. Jack says you owe him a cake and a kiss. If I were you, I would bake the cake and forget the kiss."

Alec grunted and Jenny smiled at that, "Alright, here we go."

Mycroff entered from a side door with her DS, she gave them a smug, black look before sitting down at the table across from them. A stenographer entered next and sat at a low table beside the bench. The Sergeant at Arms entered next, with a large staff, that he preceded to pound on the floor three times. Then the three hearing officers, all in uniform entered and took their seats at a high bench.

Commissioner Bishop cleared his throat,"This Tribunal board is in session. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Roger Bishop hearing officer. Chief Superintendent Alan Thorn and Chief Constable Mary Ann Granger, assistant hearing officers. Detective Inspector Elivia Mycroff and Detective Sergeant Mike Langford for the Professional Standards Division, Charging Officers. Julia Talbert, Barrister for Detective Chief Inspector Alec Hardy and Detective Constable Jenny Lord, Defendants,"

Bishop poured a glass of water and took a sip before continuing,"DCI Hardy, please stand for the charges." Alec stood up, "You are here in pursuant to a level two Gross Misconduct complaint. Charge one - serious sexual misconduct. Charge two - Improperly using or attempting to use your official position for your own private advantage; relating to the sexual misconduct matter. Charge three - Bringing the Force into disrepute by committing an act inside or outside working hours which is likely to be deemed contrary to the Force's Visions and Values. How do you answer these charges?"

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