Chapter 8 - Payback is Hell

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A cloudless warm day filled Julia with a sense of hope when she met her clients outside the building, She didn't need to ask the question when she saw Jenny, the pallor was gone, the dull look in her eye replaced by a healthier shine but she said, "How are you feeling today Jenny?"

She looked up at Alec and grabbed his hand, "I feel better. Alec made sure I ate something this morning, so no more passing out."

Julia smiled as she nodded., "Good, I have a plan for today, but I need both of you to not show any emotion today. There will be people here you know, like Tess. Ignore her, do not look at her, do not engage her. Now let's go finish it today."

Alec steeled his face to his well known shit-face look and squeezed Jenny's hand. "Trust me, I want nothing to do with Tess anymore. Let's go!"

They walked past Stewart, and Tess sitting in two straight back chairs waiting for their moment. Alec ignored the self-congratulatory expression on Tess's face outside the hearing room but found himself swinging Jenny's hand as they walked into the hearing room. It wasn't a juvenile swing, just enough to let Tess know she'd failed at this last attempt to destroy his life. The door closed as Jack entered the building and sat a couple of feet away from Tess and Stewart. Tess slapped Stewart's leg and motioned to Jack and mouthed, Who is he?

Commissioner Bishop gaveled the hearing to order."DC Lord, I hope you are feeling better today."

Jenny stood up tall and straight, "Yes Sir, thank you for your concern."

"Good, Miss Talbert, you were cross-examining DS Stewart, when we adjourned yesterday. Do you wish to continue with him now, if so please recall him to the witness stand?"

"Thank you, Sir, yes I do, I call DS Carl Stewart to the stand."

Julia walked to the stand with several files in her arms, "DS Stewart, you are still under oath. Now yesterday, you said you saw and heard stories of misconduct by DC Lord. I want to ask how you heard any stories about DC Lord or even saw her in any sexual misconduct when you never worked with her. How do you explain that?"

Stewart licked his lips and looked uncomfortable, "I'm sorry for lying, I didn't want to drop my mate into the shite. He told me all the stories. He runs a small two-person station in a small town and he's married. He told me how Lord traded him sex for a post in the town. Then she shagged him, so he would let her live in his home. He laughed about how they had sex in his station to keep his wife from finding out. He told me she was always grinding her body against him to get what she wanted, like time off to study for her DC test. He did complain that once she passed and got her transfer, she dropped him like a hot potato."

Julia turned to Jenny and gave her a look that said: don't show any emotion. "DS Stewart, tell me the name of this mate and how you met him."

"His name is PC Arthur Goodwin, and I first met him, when he was on a loan out to Taunton, some years ago."

"Members of the panel, I would like to suspend the cross of this witness, while I verify this version of his story. I also would like to have him held in the side room until I recall him."

Mycroff jumped up and objected, " Members I object, Miss Talbert is just trying to prolong this hearing, hoping for a miracle."

"Members, I have already shown that DS Stewart has lied several times, so I think it is only prudent to verify this version."

Bishop banged his gavel and had a brief discussion with his co-members. "We agree with you, Miss Talbert. Sergeant at Arms, please escort DS Stewart to the side room."

Julia turned and press sends on a pre-typed message., Now, enter the hearing and sit where I told you too.

"Miss Talbert, how do you intend to verify DS Stewart's testimony."

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