Chapter 10 - Wedding Bells and Nappies

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They'd just finishing with dinner, when the doorbell rang, "Two guesses," Jenny said as Alec answered the door to find Ellie ready to buzz again. She pushed past into the lounge like a nervous aunt. She said, "I saw the light on and knew you must be home. What happened are you still on the force?"

"Hello to you too," Alec said, "we just finished eating, do you want something to eat, there is plenty left."

"You are not answering my question, it must be bad?"

Alec pointed to the kitchen, "Miller come on, we have a lot to tell you and some of it you will need to be sitting down to hear." she walked into the kitchen, like someone on their way to their own execution. "Jenny?"

"We were cleared of all charges and returned to duty. Tess wasn't so lucky, her and her lover were both fired."

Ellie whooped and hugged Alec. She ignored the way he froze as she turned to Jenny,"I was so worried," she said as she kissed the younger woman. "This is the best news, I have heard in a long time. Wait a minute, what else have you to tell me, that I need to be sitting down for. You two haven't been transferred, have you?"

"No," Alec said," we haven't been transferred. Jenny has something she wants to ask you, go ahead, sweetheart?"

Looking from one to the other, Ellie waited for the ax to fall. "Ellie, I wanted to know if you would be a bridesmaid for me at Christmas time?" Jenny held up her left hand with her engagement ring on it.

"Oh my God, Yes. That is a beautiful ring, when did this happen?"

"This morning at breakfast, he popped the question and..."

"Breakfast, that's not very romantic, but then again we are talking about shit-face."

A soft smile tugged at Jenny's mouth. "Oh Ellie, it was very romantic. He stood up in front of everyone in the restaurant and tapped his glass for attention. He said how much he loved me and couldn't live without me. Then he got on one knee and held out this ring and proposed."

"Aw, that's beautiful," she said as she poked him in the ribs, "Okay, maybe your not such a shit-face. Why are you rushing to get married so fast, it's not like your pregnant or anything?"

Alec arched his eyebrow and Jenny giggled. "Oh, you are kidding me, really? I thought your medical report said you couldn't have children?"

"The report was wrong, we did a test but Jenny wouldn't believe it. So I took her to the hospital and they did a scan. We are having a baby sometime early May." Alec's face lit up with the biggest smile Ellie had ever seen. "Isn't that brilliant?"

Ellie hugged and kissed Alec and she hugged and kissed Jenny. "I am so happy for both of you, but can I ask, what does Daisy think of all this?"

Alec got a cup of tea for Ellie,"She is fine with it, very happy for us. Her and Darrick are coming home for the wedding. She will be Jenny's maid of honor and he will be my best man."

Jenny turned to Ellie, "Sit down Ellie, we can discuss plans unless you need to get home to the boys? If not would you like something to eat?"

"I would love something, no one is home and I hate eating alone. Tom is at college getting his classes and a dorm room. Fred is off this week on a camping trip with the scouts and Dad, well him and widow Bryne have been spending a lot of time together." Jenny put a plate in front of her.

"Miller, what has been going on at the station the last two weeks. I assume everyone knows about Jenny and me, what is being said about that?"

"Yes, they do Alec, thanks to that cow Mycroff. At first, they were confused and were not sure of a relationship, but since I had to testify, they believe there is one. Everyone I talked to or heard speaking thinks it's a good thing. They love Jenny and respect you, and believe that she is improving your moods and social interactions."

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