Chapter 7 - A plan is coming together

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Julia Talbot enjoyed the walk back to her office with her new favorite couple Alex and Jenny. "Well, Julia, what happens now?" Hardy asked as she shook his hand goodbye. "What do you expect tomorrow's hearing to be like and do you have any idea who this mystery complainant is?"

Her gaze drifted to Alec's other hand; he clutched Jenny's shaking hand with such a grip. She met his gaze. God, he loves her. He never ceased in his efforts to provide her support and strengthen her confidence in this whole mess.

Julia flashed a reassuring smile then said, "You and Jenny need to go to the hotel and relax. Eat a good dinner, watch some telly, and don't worry. I expect there will be some fireworks tomorrow and no matter what happens, you two need to stay calm. I have an idea who our mystery person is, so leave it up to me, I have this in hand. Now if you will excuse me, I have some homework to do."

"Right," he said and then smiled down at his wife. Well, not yet but Julia knew; before long they would marry and then– she let the thought go. She watched the two as they walked and heard Jenny in a soft shaky voice ask Alec,"What do you think she meant by there will be some fireworks? I feel so confused and helpless in this, but I do like the tribunal panel members. I feel they want to be on our side."

His voice came back gentle as he kissed her hand. "I have no clue about the fireworks, except maybe the worst is yet to come. As for the panel, I hope you're right but no matter what, we'll see this through together. Whether we keep our jobs or become homeless and have to wander the streets, I love you and I'm not leaving your side. So let's go to our room, get out of these monkey suits, order something to eat and cuddle."

Julia smiled. A part of her felt guilty for the momentary bit of eavesdropping. A very small part.


Julia sat at her conference table combing through Carl Stewart's file for the second time, Something was completely off, How does a man who transferred to Sandbrook four weeks ago become Henchard's new lover? And why make this complaint? Why get involved? For that matter how did Tess Henchard get her claws into him so fast? Julie pushed against the back of her chair and scrubbed her face with both hands, It made no sense. She stared down at the single photos of the man and of Tess, both from their police files. They both had that deer in the headlight look common to all such photos, Blank expressions caught mid-smile.

Wish I had more on him, maybe photos of him and Tess together. Yeah, and if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

She picked up her phone and pressed a number on her speed dial, "Jack, I know this is a big if but could you get photos of Tess and Stewart together by Wednesday? I know this is short notice."

A long silence on the other end of the line met her request. "God, Julia, why don't you ask for the sun and the moon? I'll try, but that just isn't enough time. I have to do this unofficially and that takes time."

"I know, Jack, I am looking for a miracle. The case against Alec and Jenny is weak and I'm sure I can disprove Stewart's claims. But to take Tess down and keep her from doing it again, I need proof of collusion between her and Stewart. Thanks anyway, talk later."

"I'll try, love you, Sunshine."

Frustrated, she pulled out Jenny's file. There had to be a link between Jenny and Stewart. Something she missed A note was attached to the outside, What's this, oh the phone number of Jenny's mysterious benefactor. I wonder, she did say if I needed anything to call? Oh, that's bonkers. Then again, anyone that could seal a file with a level twelve security code just might be able to get me proof of collusion between Tess and Stewart?

She dialed the number on the note and got an answering machine. "Hello, this is Julia Talbert, you said to call if I needed anything concerning Jenny Lord and Alec Hardy's case? I know this is a longshot, but if you could possibly get me photos or anything proving a relationship between Tess Henchard and Carl Stewart. He is the man that, I believe, put the complaint against them. I need it by Wednesday." The machine beeped and the line went dead.

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