Chapter 9 - Changes

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Inside Jack's SUV, there was a mixture of laughing, shouts of joy, and back slapping on the way from the hearing to the club. He pulled up to the front door, tossed his keys to the valet and escorted them all inside. Getting a table was a little harder, it consisted of Jack charming the reservation clerk and the exchange of a few quid. They were shown to a table up front, close to the dance floor. Jack was sitting between Jenny and Julia, Adam between Julia and Ruth, and Alec between Ruth and Jenny. Alec was looking around the ornate and ostentatious club, Jack had brought them to.

"God Jack, how much do Security Service Agents make? It would take a month's wages for me to afford a place like this. I always knew you security guys were overpaid, underworked, and oversexed, but really."

Jack winked at Julia before answering back. "You're just jealous, Alec. Anytime you want to join the service and find out how underworked we really are, I have a position for you. As far as being oversexed, that's just me, mate. Now, how about some champagne to celebrate?"

Adam rolled his eyes at Ruth, "Jack, not to be crass, if it is on you, then yes. Otherwise, I'll take a beer and white wine for my Ruthie. PCs don't make that kind of money."

Jack called the waitress over, "Adam, my new friend, anything for you and your lovely lady. Course, it's on me, so order whatever you want, this is a celebration. As far as money goes, I have to admit I come from money and titles. Not that I ever had much to do with that crap, but it does come in handy once in a while."

Alec raised his eyebrow, "You never said, Jack."

"Why, so you can give me one of your patented sneers like you do when you mention security services. No way was I going to tell you before. I like you, Alec, and wanted to keep you as a mate. Afterall, I didn't do anything to deserve any of that shite: To be honest, neither did any of my family. They just happen to be born at the right place and right time and backed the right person. So let's just party tonight and back to normal tomorrow, deal?"

"Sounds like a deal to me, and how can I hold your family against you, after you got those photos of that witch of an ex of mine and Stewart."

"Sorry mate, your barking up the wrong tree on that point, I tried but nothing. Julia give?"

Julia had a mischievous smile on her face," Let's just say they came from the same person who put a level twelve lock on Jenny's files. Now for that champagne."

Alec leaned over to Jenny, "Sweetheart, do you think you should have any alcohol, I mean with your stomach being upset every morning and all?"

She smiled and patted his face, "Just one glass to celebrate, then I will switch to ginger-ale. I do feel better and I'm starved, so let's order."

After dinner, Jack turned to Jenny, "Sweet Jenny, will you dance with me and let me talk you into leaving that tall, skinny Scot for a real man like me?"

She giggled, "Jack you are out of your league, but I would love to dance."

Julia asked Adam to dance and both couples got up and went to the dance floor. The suddenly empty table left a nervous Alec and Ruth by themselves. He flashed a tight smile at the older woman and said, "Would you care to dance? I'm not very good, but we can try."

"No, thank you, Alec. , Adam is the dancer in our family. I'm glad they have all left; it gives us some time to talk. When Julia called and asked us to come up here and help, we were happy to do it. I was ecstatic to meet the man our Jenny has fallen in love with. She is so lucky to have a man like you."

Alec did something that surprised him, he reached for Ruthie's hand. "No Ruth," He placed a kiss on her hand, his smile softened, his Scottish thickened. "I'm the lucky one. To have someone as special as Jenny in my life is a bloody miracle. I never thought it possible to have a love like ours, let alone with me. She makes me glad, I'm alive every day."

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