I won't see her again (3)

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Jacob's POV

Its 9:00am on a Saturday so why is my phone making noise. I get up irritated and don't even bother cuddling with the women next to me. She's some model for sure. Leaning over I see my sister's thirty messages.

'What? Lilly' I answer pissed off.

'Please come with me to Ismail's engagement' she begs. Ismail is her crush that I've heard a thousand things about. My sister is sixteen and he is eighteen. It'll never work and now she wants to go see him.

'Either you come with me or I'll tell mum' going with my sister is one thing, bearable, and going with my mother is like being in hell.

'What time is it?' I ask defeatedly.

'In an hour' Who the hell plans an engagement so early?

'Will the wedding be at sunrise?' I ask and I can imagine her face frowning.

'Bye and I'm texting you the venue' she says and cuts the call.

I make myself busy with the girl on the bed then get ready to leave.

My tuxedo accentuates my athletic build. As I follow the signs of 'Welcome to Ismail and Riyah's engagement ceremony', leading into the grand hall. Just as I am about to enter I hear the hushed words of a hijabi women.'I probably look like a deer in headlights, an alien in this world built for rich people' I laugh but she doesn't turn my way. She walks forward with an aura of beauty and grace. Everyone turns to stare at her either in awe, envy or annoyance so that must be Riyah. I look for my sister and mother and find them sitting at the back. My mother adorns a scowl, while my sister is clearly jealous of Riyah.

'I never knew he was a muzlim' my mother announces revolted at the site of the bride to be.

'Weren't you talking about how nice he is the other day' Lily says with hope in her voice.

'He will abuse her and its her fault that she wears that rag' I glare at mum while taking a seat.Lily's nose flares with anger but she remains quite.

'She is more beautiful than you mother'I want to laugh seeing my mother's shocked face. Lily gives a thankful look as I take a seat.The other elite looking gentlemen and their women stare as me dumbfounded. Opps. I was too loud.  

I adjust myself to see the women that is the subject of countless scrutiny. Her body although covered modestly is definitely curvy but skinny at the same time. She's blessed with a narrow nose, plump lips and eyes that hold many emotions. As she walks over to a man in Pakistani outfit, the sea green and sky blue in her eyes twinkle in the light. He must be the groom to be with the way my sister stares at him. I look away and it takes no man or woman to look twice to tell that she is more than beautiful. Except my mother, she's an alien.

*several hours later*

The club's music was blaring and the women are delicious.This is such a good remedy for that boring engagement I left within an hour.

'Honey, do you have condoms?' I tenderly ask the ginger breaking apart from our kiss. 'Don't worry babe' she answers winking.

'Sorry than babe' I move away. I do not want a child this early. Its too young to be tied down with one woman. No one entertains me for long.

'If I see you here later I'll take you to my place' I lean in to kiss her collar bone then turn around to go.

I put in store in maps and start walking there. Should I get different flavoured condoms?

'H-help' someone calls out crying. I run to the dirty alley from where the plea came from and see a women with ripped clothes and a scarf around her neck.She's being pushed against the wall by two guys while the other tries to kiss her. The men look white and all have varying shades of blonde hair but I concentrate on the girl. Puffy cheeks did not diminish this women's beauty.Her very long black hair sparkled under the low street light in the alleyway. Her eyes are a confusing colour raging between blue, green and grey locked with mine in a silent, last plea.Why does she look familiar.

'Get away from her' I order and see the four faces turn my way. I bare look at the assholes faces or barely hear the men chuckling. I blow a kiss to the woman and within seconds I am swinging. I upper jab the closet one then smash his head with the middle guy. Letting go of the first one I round house kick the second who falls to the ground and give a classic knee to the groin to the last one. He also goes tumbling down.I take off my jacket and give it to the crying women.She looks terrified and in awe. But I can tell she's not sacred of me. Don't ask me how.

'Let me escort you to your car or come to home?',really. She almost got raped and you are asking her out.

The women grabs my collar pulling me close and kisses me. I swear it was like fireworks started erupting everwhere.As much as I want to grab her closer, I don't. She's probably going through trauma I pull away angry at the men still lying in pain on the floor. 'Th-thank you' the beautiful women speaks melodiously. I grin,'Now that I saved you. You must do a favour for me'. She looks at me confused and shocked.

'You have to kick these men in the face' I tell her and her nerves calm down slowly while shaking her head left and right. This time I grab her face in my palm and observe as her breathing races even as I let go. In ragged breaths I step closer to kiss her, tangling my hands in her never ending hair. She stands still and I feel the tension rising. Her elevating blush only confirms it. For the first time I'm in a daze as a car honks five times and I don't hear it while the girl turns to see yet doesn't move away.

She smiles with tears flowing down her perfect face and says 'I'm glad you were my first kiss'. Before I can grab her wrist and kiss her or ask her name or get her permission for anything, she darts towards the honking car. I'm left in a daze and walk over to the men lying down before kicking them each twenty times and seeing blood pour out of their mouths.Grabbing the hair of whom I suppose is their leader, the one that tried to kiss the girl, I spit in his face.

'You look like the type that have done this before. Never do it again' I have never been more pissed at a criminal than right now.

I change my direction heading towards the car still thinking about the girl and ecstatic over being her first kiss.FUCK. I won't see her again. 

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