Chapter 1: School and suckish mornings

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Winny's POV~

I was awoken by the sound of "fall for you" by secondhand serenade, signaling I had to get up and get ready for the prison some call school. I rolled over and hit snooze hoping to be able to get at least 10 more minutes of sleep. My attempt was cut short by my annoying twin brother Lucas banging on the door. "GET UP OR WE'LL BE LATE! DON'T MAKE ME GET THE HOSE!" "IM UP!" I yelled running to the door and opening it up before Luke had time to run, "but I have a question, how would you like to die this morning?"he just looked at me with a shocked expression, probably because I actually got out of bed. I smirked, and with that I shut my door and began getting ready. I threw on the outfit I had picked out the night before, a cream lace shirt with navy blue floral overalls shorts over the top and my white keds. Slowly trudging to the bathroom the curl the ends of my hair, trying to waste as much time as possible, i do not want to go back to the dump-hole aka high school. I don't wear much makeup, just a little mascara to darken my lashes. I grabbed my bag and guitar case and walked down the stairs trying as hard as I could to avoid mom. I guess I didn't try hard enough because as soon as I set foot in the kitchen mom spotted me. "Oh Winifred you look lovely, let me get a picture." Mom always insisted on takin pictures for our first day of school, Luke didn't mind but I hated them! I look no different from last year why take a picture? Oh and your probably wondering why i haven't mentioned my name before, probably because i hate being called winifred! like seriously I'm not 90 I'm freakin 17, but mom loved it so here i am, winifred Elizabeth Hemmings, but you can all me winny. I couldn't have gotten a normal name like Luke. now to me and luke we might look the same but we are pretty different, other then the blonde hair and our eyes were not much alike at all! We both play guitar and can sing but he's in a band, I don't sing in front of people, well only Luke. He actually talks to people, me on the other hand, if I don't know you don't expect me to be the first to talk to you.

"Mom can you please just not take my picture this year! I look no different then last!" "Well Winifred looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" luke smirked as he cleared his plate. He knows I hate being called that almost as much as he hates being called Lucas "Oh Lucas if only you'd learn to keep your mouth shut, you seem to be forgetting.... I'm your ride" I winked dangling my keys in front of his face before running out the door, Luke close behind.


Hey guys hope you like the chapter so far I know it's kinda boring but I needed to introduce some of the main characters, I promise it's going to get ALOT more interesting!!:) so yeah comment, vote, follow and all that jazz:) COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW IF I SHOULD CONTINUE THE STORY!:))

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