Chapter 7: Detention

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I'm sitting in my final period of the day counting down the minutes until it ends. I can't stop thinking of what me and Andrew are gonna talk about, or where were gonna go, "Winifred!!" Mr. Westfall says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Um...yeah?" I was still not exactly listening. "What was the year Columbus discovered America?" (A/N lol I couldn't think of a question) we weren't even learning about Columbus right now.... but oh well. "In 1492." "Correct, but that's not the unit were learning about, I'll see you after school in detention." I groaned as the bell rang and I gathered my things before walking up to the front to get my detention slip.

As I approached my lockers I was picked up and spun around, while screaming quite loudly i might add, before being set down lightly. My glasses falling off and landing who knows where. I turned around seeing an amused Ashton as he hands me my glasses. "NOT FUNNY!" I looked him right in the eye before proceeding to my locker. "Well something crawled up your butt this afternoon what's wrong?" He asked seeming kind of concerned. "I could ask you the same thing mr. Storm off after lunch what was that all about!!?" I asked not even bothering to look his way. "Well I asked you first so answer my question mrs. Can't take a joke." 'Fine, I spaced out during class and mr. Westfall gave me detention, that is why I'm mad, so what about you?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He got a big grin on his face. "I'll tell you in detention" he winked as he proceeded to walk down the hall towards the art rooms.

I closed my locker once again being startled by Andrew standing beside my locker. "Hey winny we still on for after school?" he said giving a small smile. Ugh why detention. "I'm sorry dew I'm gonna have to give you a rain check, I got detention for spacing out in class, maybe like next saturday?" I asked hoping he would say yes. "Ok deal, bye winny see you tomorrow." Now I'm seriously hating this whole detention, at least I'll have Ashton in there with me.

As I walk into the detention room I see a green paint covered Ashton sitting in the back corner beside a blue paint colored luke.... oh this is gonna be good.

"WHAT HAPPENED!!!" I whisper yelled not wanting to get in more trouble. "Well..." like began "I was sitting in mr. Nichols class finishing up my painting when Ashton came striding into the room. He picked up the blue can of paint and dumped it on my head!!" like looked pissed. "So..." Ashton started to explain. "Luke decided to get revenge and dumped a whole can of green paint onto me! and just before I dumped some purple on your wimp of a brother mr. Nichols walked into the room." "And that... is how we ended up here." Luke finished. I stared at them quizzically but mostly at Ashton wondering why he would do that. "Ashton why'd you dump paint on like in the first place?" "I-I didn't want you to be in detention alone.." he blushed looking down at his hands picking at the now dried paint. "Then why'd you rope me into it stupid!!" Luke asked, motioning to his now ruined smiley face shirt. "Well you were the only one in the room, I thought hey, lets have some fun with this, have a party in detention." Ashton answered rolling his eyes. Luke not wanting to argue anymore stood up and walked over to the other side of the room taking ad offering seat before plugging in his headphones. "Well, who peed in his Cheerios this morning?" Ashton asked bursting into laughter, "I know right!!! that's exactly what I thought!"

"Now Ashton you have an unanswered question, why'd you storm off after lunch?" I asked getting comfortable in Luke's old seat. "I-I um... it's just... I k-kinda was um..." he paused running his fingers through his green hair his fingers getting stuck halfway through. "I kinda felt dumped when you blew me off for Andrew.... cuz I already asked you to hang out ya know.... and I don't get a good vibe from Andrew I'm sorry but I don't and neither does luke. I'm sorry for running off I just didn't wanna get in your way." He said "ok class you are dismissed since I must leave early." Mr. Westfalen announced. "Have fun with Andrew" Ashton said flatly before walking out the door.


HEY LOOK IT I UPDATED!!! Sorry for not exactly being on and updating as I said I haven't been home but I updated so that's good:) I love you guys thanks for being patient:) so... what do you guys think of this chapter? let me know in the comments and let me know what you think I should change:) LOVE YOU!!!!

PS!!! Sorry it's pretty short I'm so tired my eyes are literally closin, so I'm going to sleeeeppp!! I'll update as soon as I get more time:)) which is usually really late my time so sorry if it's rubbish!! Gnight :)

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