Chapter 4: Lets get this over with

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"Ok winny so pretty much your just doing all of Mikey's parts, harmonizing, the guitar, and his solos, do you think you can do that?" Luke asked, tuning his guitar so he could be ready to start. "Yeah I can do that, no different from doing it alone" I said ready to just get this over with.

We started with "rejects" which just happened to be my absolute FAVORITE! We began and it all went smoothly till it was my turn to sing, I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.... no sound! it was Like my brain was disconnected from my mouth and I couldn't make any sound. I looked up and realized everyone had stopped playing and were just staring at me. Before I knew it I was running up the stairs and out the door, just wanting to be home. I decided to take the long way home so the boys wouldn't look for me. this walk was just through a park and past a grove of trees but the scenery was much prettier then roads and sidewalk. I stopped and sat down on a bench in the park, trying to clear my mind. I knew I shouldn't have gone with the boys to practice, but something about Ashton's deep green eyes staring into mine made me lose all common sense. I put my hands to my ears trying to drown out all sound, trying to stop wherever the sound was coming from... not again.

"Winny?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw Ashton. "hey ash...." I said turning my attention back to the park. "Winny are you ok!!? You ran out of there so fast and you had luke worried sick! he's out looking for you and when you didn't turn up home.... he's not doing ok, we need to tell him your ok!" Ashton's eyes were full of worry as he pulled out his phone. I grabbed his phone and looked at him, "please don't have him come get me, I'm going to lectured forever if he does" I pleaded with Ashton.

Finally after 10 minutes of being tackled to the ground by Ashton, again, trying to get his phone, I gave in. "Don't worry winny I'll just tell him your ok, I won't tell him where we are."

~1 hr later~

Me and Ashton have been walking around the town for about an hour now just talking and getting to know each other. "winny, why is luke so protective over you anyways? Like I understand he's your brother and all, but he barely lets you leave his side." I contemplated whether to tell Ashton or not, but decided it was best he hear it from me then from luke. "well you see, when I was little, I guess you could say I was kind of... insane... people literally thought there was something wrong with me because I could hear these voices... and no it wasn't some "I see dead people" type thing, it was more voices telling me to give up, telling me that I would always fail, telling me I wasn't good enough, and I would usually hear them when I would mess up or get embarrassed. the doctors told my parent to put me into a mental institution until they could figure out what was wrong with me, but luke told my parents no. luke told my mom and dad that if I was to go to the institution then he would go too. he's always kinda had my back, he's always Been there for me...." Ashton was staring at me with his deep green eyes, his eyebrows pulled together, almost like it was hard for him to take this all in. "....and when I would hear the voices he would sing to me, he would tell me to only listen to his voice, to ignore the others and only listen to him, he doesn't want me to get hurt... the voices are the main reason I don't sing in front of people, the main reason I'm not outgoing, but having luke around has helped with those ALOT. He's always worried that I can hear the voices and that I'm going to do something I'll regret.... so yeah... sorry I kind of just rambled on." I looked down at my hands wondering Why I had just spilled everything to Ashton... practically a complete stranger. "It's ok, I Like it when you ramble, and im sorry about all that, but just know, if you ever need anyone other then Luke, I'm here ok? I'll always be here winny.... is that what happened back there tho... did you hear the voices?" he hasn't stopped staring at me for Like 10 minutes, "yeah... i couldnt handle them and i knew luke would freak out so i just kinda left...' the way ashton had his arm around me was a little weird, but somehow, I felt safe.


I'm tired and need to get my brain together if I gonna write more! I know it's kinda short and I'm sorry for that, the chapters will get better I'm just having slight writers block:) COMMENT,VOTE, LIKE AND ALLTHAT JAZZ!!

what do you guys thinks gonna happen next?. I NEED INSPIRATION SO HELP ME!!!!

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