Chapter 6: Seriously!?!

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Winnys POV

"Hi winny long time no see." Dewser said still walking towards me

" that you?" I asked still not wanting to believe it. "Yeah it's me, but I go by Andrew now, I kinda outgrew that nickname." I didn't even think before running up and engulfing him in a hug. "Andrew I can't relieve your back!!!" I yelled tears starting to run down my face. "Hey winny, yeah I'm back....sorry for kinda just leaving... I thought it wouldn't be as hard. Shh don't cry love."

So your probably wondering about dewser... so here's the back story.

Dewser was my boyfriend.... like a year ago and one night....


I was walking down the road towards Dewsers house, it was about 5 pm so he should just be getting off work, as I walked up towards his house it looks different.... empty. I looked on the lawn and there was a house sold sign. I didn't know what was going on I ran up to the house and lightly knocked on the door but there was no answer. I pushed on the door to see it swing right open by itself. "Hello?" I called, no answer. There was literally nothing left in his house. Not a single piece of furniture. I ran up to his room, which was empty, all but a piece of paper that read, "its for the best." And that's it.... I broke down right there.

~End Flashback~

"So how have you been? and where did you go? any why did you leave? and why didn't you answer the calls? and...." he cut me off with a kiss.... like on my lips.... like skin to skin contact.... like what?!? So... I slapped him! "YOU CAN'T JUST COME BACK AND KISS ME AND EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE OK!!!!" I yelled, not caring who heard. "Winny I.... I'm sorry, I should've talked to you I just couldn't resist, this last year has been a nightmare without you, and I didn't answer because I didn't want things to be harder... I'm so sorry, take me back?" He asked with pleading eyes. "Dewser I just... idk if I can.... you kinda just left me without anything, not even a goodbye, just a note for gods sakes and you expect me to forgive you like that?" "I know... hey what about lunch after school? I could take you out, we can talk, I'll answer any questions, just please...." He looked at me with his deep blue eyes. The one thing I couldn't resist. "Fine.... I have to go, I'm gonna be late." And with that I walked off.

~English Class

Ashton's POV (I know like wat?!)

I sat in English class just waiting for winny to show up, and starting to get worried, she left before any of us! where could she be. the bell began to ring and winny was through the door and in her seat before it stopped. "Hey where were you?" I asked as quietly as I could. "Sorry I had a strange encounter in the halls, I'll tell you later." And that was the last she said for the rest of class... ok?

The bell began to ring so I put away my writers journal. "So winny what about tonig.... winny?" she was already gone and out the door.... that was strange. So I awkwardly got up and walked out into the hall.

Winnys POV

I had to find luke, that's the only thing on my mind right now, I have to find him. I had to ask him what him and Andrew were talking about earlier. As soon as the bell rang I got up and ran as fast as I could for the door.

I searched everywhere and still no sign of Luke, where is that boy!! I had about a minute to get to class so I decided to head out.

The day went by SOOO sloooowww. And finally lunch came. I walked in looking to my table where all my friends were and saw everyone but Calum... and savanna...what? I walked over and sat by Ashton. "Hey ash" I said not exactly paying attention just trying to be nice. "Hey winny, you alright?" he asked looking kinda worried. "Yeah I'm fine, why?" "oh it's just earlier in English you kinda...." he was cut short by Andrew waking over to our table and sitting next to me. "Hi winny" "hey dew, you wanna eat with us?" "yeah if that's alright I don't want to...." Ashton piped up not looking very happy. "So winny care to introduce us to your friend?" he said while snaking his arm around my waste. "Um yeah... sure" I was kinda thrown for a loop, "dew this is Ashton, Alyson, and Michael, the other two idek where they disappeared too, and you already know luke" I said as everyone looked up from their phones to wave, then going back to what they were doing. "Guys this is dew." I said then quickly correcting myself. "I mean... Andrew" I looked up at him and he was smiling brightly, Ashton's grip tightened on my waists as he pulled me closer. The bell rang and we all got up Ashton's arm still on my waist. "So winny we still up for tonight?" Andrew asked showing off his beautiful smile. As soon as Andrew said that ashton stomped off looking more pissed then luke usually did. That was odd.... "yeah... I guess"


So sorry guys if it's not the best, it will be edited later I promise!! It's kinda late and I'm feeling super sick, so my minds not really working, but yeah just like, comment, vote, and keep reading:) LAVA YOU!!

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