Chapter 10: Secrets and Dates

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Luke's POV

I walked inside just to find winny laying in her bed practically passed out. "Awe wee lamb" I said quoting brave. Winny sprung up out of bed but quickly laid back down grabbing her head. "WHAT THE HECK LUKE! you scared the crap out of me!! don't you know any better then to sneak up on a sick person?!" Dang.... I just got told off.

"Sorry wins if you need me I'll be downstairs" I mumbled and walked out of the room. I felt my phone vibrating so I pulled it out of my pocket to find a text from aly.

"Hiya, are we still on for tonight?" crap I completely forgot.

"Yeah I'll pick you up at like 7? Sound good? :)xx"

"Ok I'll see you then:)"


What am I gonna tell winny?!?

Winny POV

I sat up in my bed realizing my migraine has toned down to a subtle headache. 'Well I guess I should get something to eat' I thought to myself realizing my stomach sounded like a whale giving birth. I walked out of my room quickly being knocked down to the ground by Luke. He was dressed nicely but still like casual.... is that a thing... idk. What? "hiya lukey where are you off to?

"Oh... um.... I um.... I have a date tonight.... and um... yeah." He said avoiding eye contact. Hmm... "oh with who?" I was trying to get him to look at me. "Oh um no one you know sorry winny I gotta go or I'm gonna be late." He said hurrying to the door. "WAIT BUT YOU CAN'T DRIVE!" I yelled after him. But he was already out the door.... Spying time anyone?


I called up Ashton to see if he wanted to help me spy on Luke and his date but he wouldn't answer my! so I called Cal to see if he would help me.

"Ok, do you see him?" I whispered into the phone just loud enough for cal to hear me. "Hmm no I don't see him quite yet, are you sure this is where he is?"

"Yeah in pretty sure, every date he's ever had he's taken to the carnival, he only goes on dates when the carnivals in town."

"I SEE HIM!! meet me at the puff the magic dragon ride as fast as you can!" cal yelled before he hung up. 'Puff the magic dragon? really Luke? wow real mature'

I ran to the ride as quick as I could trying to weave my way through people. The. I spotted Luke. But he was alone.... um ok?

I approached him to see Calum was already starting to talk to him. "Hey Luke where's your date?"

"Oh um she didn't feel well... so she had to go home... I was just leaving..." he said right before he ran towards the parking lots. I heard a loud screech come from the way like ran. I glanced over at Calum for a moment before we sprinted off towards the cars. Luke better not have hurt my car!

Turns out luke almost crashed into the back of a car pulling out, which made him slam on his brakes and the car behind him as well. I ran up to the drivers side of the car right after telling Calum thank you and that I would see him tomorrow.

"LUKE GET OUT IM DRIVING!" I yelled. Luke obeyed looking like a scorned puppy.

"Luke how the heck did you make it here without killing yourself!!"

"Um well... my date drove ok I sat in the passenger side!" he was looking down at his hands. "Well then how did your date get home?!"

"She had someone come and get her, she didn't feel well at all."

Well that answers one question... but who was his date?!

Luke's POV

after bing grilled in the car by winny, we finally made it home. Truth is, aly didn't get sick! she was gonna meet me back here and we were gonna watch movies. She found her friend At the carnival who gave her a lift, after we ran into Calum we kinda found that winny was looking for me. So she found another ride, and I need to find a way to get winny out of the house for a few hours. "Hey winny, I think you should go out for tonight, like hand out with friends, you never leave anymore" I said walking up to her room. "Why would I do that, Im perfectly fine right here in my room."

"Well the main reason is I'm having the guys over tonight... and I've noticed that one of the guys is starting to like you, and I want to make it clear that you are off limits... so can you leave... just till their gone?" I lied right through my teeth! but oh well, might as well get the off limits thing out if the way... "do e I'll go over to Alys house tonight then. Crap! this is not gonna be good! I quickly texted aly telling her to tell winny no.

5 minutes later I saw winny walking down the stairs towards the front door. "Where are you headed then?" I'm going to savannas, aly said she was busy tonight." Phew!

Winnys POV

Haha I knew he was lying. Did he really think I was that stupid?! I know the guys aren't coming over 1. Because Michael is grounded for sneaking a girl into his room. 2. I doubt he would have Andrew over (if he's even counted as one of the guys) 3. Ashton won't even answer my calls. And 4. Calum has to help Mali with her break up. Good thing my window is by the big tree in the back yard. Time to find out who this girl is.

Luke's POV

Aly finally showed up, and we were ready to start the movie. I know this sounds weird but I'm really starting to like this girl. We ended up watching when a stranger calls because aly like loves scary movies. Me on the other hand... I could do without them. "Hey Luke are you sure you're Ready to watch this? it's a bit creepy."

"Girl I'm a strong man no need to worry about me honey child" I said in my best black woman accent. Receiving a laugh from aly. Holy cow she's adorable!

We popped in the movie and as soon is it started I was already creeped out.

Half way through the movie I was so freakin scared. My phone rang. I jumped so high I hugged onto aly. She just laughed at me and paused the movie. I answered due to it being mom.

"Hi love, me and your father are going out of town for tonight, he got called out for a marketing pitch, so just keep winny safe, we'll be home tomorrow"

"Ok see you tomorrow mommy" I hung up my phone. "Mommy? really?" aly was laughing at me. Oh goodness good move Luke, real smooth.

"Just shush and start the movie." I put my arm around her waist and she snuggled in closer to me. She pushed play. Aly was starting to get bored, she was playing with my hand, and kept looking up at me. Her eyes are so beautiful. We jut sat there staring into each others eyes I glanced down at her lips, trying hard not to be too awkward, knowing me. I leaned in and I felt our lips connect. She turned so she was facing me and she sat on my lap so we could have a better position.

Winnys POV

I heard Luke hang up the phone after talking to our mom. Oh what a dweeb. Mommy? really? I heard a girl but I couldn't quite make out the voice as she talked much quieter then luke. I heard them start the movie so I thought it was the vast time to start making my way down the stairs. I crept down quietly. I know what your thinking! 'winny your such a stalker!" but really, Luke never goes on dates!! I really wanna see who likes someone like Luke. And who actually agreed to this date! I guess you could say I was moving slowly, but I didn't want him to know I was there. I saw like on the couch with a girl snuggled up into him. I couldn't quite make out who she was. But just as I began to get closer luke began to lean into her... oh crap! I was about to catch my brother kissing a girl!!! crap what do I do! the girl moved and got up onto his lap, ok now I'm gonna see who she is. As soon as she moved I saw her... No. Way! ewwwwwwey!!! I walked over to the wall and flipped on the lights. "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!!"


So.... What do you think? I know it's a little scatter brained but I was in a hurry! I need to go shower for school tomorrow! so yeah, tell me what you like about the chapter and what you don't like, I'll even go back and fix something's if you guys want. But anyways. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT LUKE ANS ALY?!?! Feedback!!!!!! hahahaha anyways yeah byeeee

Twitter: @5sosobsessed5

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