Chapter 8: Don't Touch Her

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A/N: Thank you @Dancer_112 for voting on this story. 

Be Aware there will be strong language used in this chapter

August 13th (Friday 6:00 pm) 

Mackenzie's POV: Finally we finished recording our song and little notes for our individual songs. It basically took all day, and I am super happy it has finished and now we can hit the club!

Charlie: Okay guys, you can go now, enjoy your weekend

Mackenzie and Johnny: You too

*Mackenzie and Johnny start walking*

Charlie: Mackenzie please stay back I need to talk to you

*Mackenzie looks back at Johnny*

Johnny: I'll wait for you downstairs

*Johnny leaves the room*

Charlie: Is there something bugging you Mackenzie?

Mackenzie: No, ummm, why do you ask?

Charlie: How many takes did we have to do for the high note you had to do?

Mackenzie: Around 8 times?

Charlie: Yes correct

Mackenzie: Is there something you want to say? I'm kinda not getting the point.

Charlie: What I'm trying to say is that your vocals were the worst I heard today, you were absolutely horrible, for today, you were flat on every note, your voice is extremely strained! It was only for today I just hope that you won't have a day like this again, I'm just saying, you were horrible.

*Mackenzie blinks back tears*

Mackenzie: Yeah, I promise I will improve and you will not have a day like this ever again

Charlie: Good, I'm only being harsh so you can be better... got it?

Mackenzie: Got it

Charlie: Okay you are free to go, see you on Monday


Johnny's POV: Mackenzie walks out of the door, she looks sad, but I think she is just tired. Surprisingly, Today has not been awkward even though I kinda have a crush on her and she kinda has a crush on her.

Johnny: Come on let's get a cab

Mackenzie: um yeah okay

Johnny: What did you talk about with Charlie?

Mackenzie: Oh nothing

*Johnny waves a cab and the cab starts to slow down*

Johnny: *happily* Come on, what was it, you can tell me


*Johnny looks down*

Johnny: Okay, I got it

*Mackenzie and Johnny get in the cab *

Cab Driver: Where to?

Johnny: Beats Club, please

*Cab Driver starts driving*

Johnny's POV: I don't know what got into Mackenzie, all of a sudden in the studio she was happy and cheery but now she is all grumpy unless something did happen in the studio, I rather not ask her what happened again. After a 20 minute drive, we reach the club. The problem is that... How are we going to get in?

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