Chapter 17: You Know Now

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A/N: Thank you @smileforJenzie for voting on this story

August 28th (Sunday)

Johnny's POV: Today Mackenzie and I are on our way back to New York. We have our luggage with us and on our way down to the lobby. Since Maddie and Jack broke up, Melissa and Maddie are also coming with us and they are going to stay at Mackenzie's place until they find another place in L.A. We reach the lobby and Melissa and Maddie are already there.

Mackenzie: Okay we are here

Melissa: OH GOOD!

Maddie: Mom shoosh! It's 6 in the morning

Melissa: Sorry

Johnny: Are we checked out?

Maddie: Yep

Johnny: Is that our cab outside?

*Johnny points at the cab*

Maddie: Oh it's here already! Let's go

Mackenzie's POV: We roll luggage to the cab and hop inside the cab. We sit in silence and since we are up at 6 in the morning. They all fall asleep. except for me. I'm on my phone scrolling down Instagram. For some reason, I can't go to sleep. Then Mackenzie starts to speak.

Mackenzie: Johnny?

Johnny: Yes?

Mackenzie: Should we tell my mom and my sister that we are dating?

Johnny: Well we gotta tell them before we ever tell the media, or if the media finds out?

Mackenzie: Should we tell them now?

Johnny: Aren't they sleeping?

Mackenzie: We can wake them up

Johnny: Do you really want to?

Mackenzie: I gotta tell my sister!

Johnny: Okay

Mackenzie: Maddie?

*Maddie doesn't wake up*

Mackenzie: MADDIE!

Maddie: HEY! Ugh Kenz, what is it?

Mackenzie: Can we tell you something we have news

Maddie: OH! Is it something about your relationship!

*Maddie wiggles her eyebrows*

Johnny: HAHAHA! Maybe


*Melissa wakes up*

Melissa: WHAT! Who's dating???

*Mackenzie and Johnny look at each other*

Melissa: WAIT!

*Maddie and Melissa look to drop their jaws*

Maddie: OMG YOU ARE!!!

*Mackenzie and Johnny smile*


Mackenzie: Yep...

Johnny: We are dating


Maddie and Melissa: OH MY GOSH!!!!! CONGRATS YOU TWO!

*Johnny and Mackenzie smile*

Melissa: Now Johnny, you better not break her heart!

Johnny: I won't

Melissa: And you must now that you have my blessing

Johnny: I know

Melissa: And If you ever do anything bad to her...

Johnny: I promise you don't have to punish me for doing something to Mackenzie, because I won't.

Melissa: Oh Johnny, I won't do anything to you. I was just about to say that most of the world will hate you if you do. But it's good to know that!

Maddie: Let's have some champaign and give a toast to your relationship when we reach the airport.

Mackenzie: Maddie, it is still early once we reach there.

Maddie: Well once we reach Sydney airport at least.

Mackenzie: Okay

At Adelaide Airport

Mackenzie's POV: WE reach the airport and we check our bags in, our flight is at 7: 30 am. And we have around 30 minutes to go to our gate and board. So we have to walk quickly. After walking quickly we reach our gate It took seriously 10 minutes for us to reach it. We give our boarding pass to the lady at the counter and walk into the tube thing. I am actually pretty happy that Johnny and I told Maddie and Mom about our relationship. But I don't think that Maddie wants to know who I  bumped into last night. I rather not tell her at all. We get on the plane and we are greeted politely by the flight crew and we head to our seats in business class. Johnny and I sit next to each other around the middle and Mom and Maddie are near the captain's door. We could not be in a row since they booked late, well they booked their tickets on the day of the disaster. Johnny and I sit and we hear the P.R and the captains voice.

Captain: Hello everyone this is your captain speaking. You are on a boeings 2432 bound for Sydney. We are all ready to get set for taking off and the flight crew will show you the safety instructions. Thank you for listening.

Johnny: I just texted Lauren. I didn't tell her about us though. All I said is that we are bringing a surprise

Mackenzie: What did she say?

Johnny: She asked if it was a koala

Mackenzie: HA! 

2 hours later in Sydney

Melissa: Okay, well... all our luggage has been brought to our next flight which is in an hour. So what I say is that we have brunch at a small restaurant in the airport.

Mackenzie: Well duh mom! Where else would we go except for the airport? The opera house?

Melissa: HA! HA! very funny

Maddie: Let's eat there

Melissa: Okay

15 minutes later

*Melissa lifts up her champaign class*

Melissa: A toast for Mackenzie and Johnny! May they always be in love!

*Everyone else lifts their glass up*

Everyone: CHEERS! 

1 hour later

Johnny's POV: We are on the plane now.on our way to New York. Luckily this is a direct flight and we don't have to stop at L.A. Mackenzie and I are watching a movie together. It's a comedy. We laugh at the jokes and she leans her head on my shoulder.

Mackenzie: Johnny will you always be happy?

Johnny: What do you mean?

Mackenzie: What I mean is that will you always be happy, even though you go through rough times. Well... If WE ever go through rough times.

Johnny: Is that even a question Kenzie? I will always be happy. As long as I am with you

Mackenzie: Are you sure?

Johnny: Yes, I am absolutely sure.

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