Chapter 23: Locked Eyes

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A/N: Unfortunately there is no dedication for this chapter, but enjoy the chapter!

September 25th (2 Weeks Later)

Mackenzie's POV: No wonder everyone likes to eat ice cream after a breakup. It is super yummy. It has been 2 weeks, since Johnny and I split up, we both deleted our posts, with each other init on Instagram. My eyes are puffy AF,  due to the crying and I haven't talked to Lauren, Nadia or even Carson since they are Johny's closest friends. We also have different work sessions we don't work together in music anymore. If only Johnny had listened to me try to explain that I wasn't hanging out with Hayden, but he did have a point that I stayed there with Hayden, listened to him sing, Why did I do that? I am previously watching friends and eating a tub of ice cream, my phone suddenly rings. I look over it's Lauren. Should I pick it up, is anything wrong, should I decline. I let it ring then it stops. It was probably nothing, then it rings again if she called twice I have to pick it up.

Mackenzie: Hello

Lauren: Hey Mackenzie, how are you going?

Mackenzie: I'm fine... well no I'm not really fine but I'm breaking through the wreck.

Lauren: Okay, do you want to simply come to hang out, chat?

Mackenzie: depends on where?

Lauren: You can come to my place

Mackenzie's POV: There was a sudden pause, why would Lauren invite me to come to her place, when Johnny lives with her and she knows that I know that.

Mackenzie: Um...

Lauren: Oh don't worry Johnny's not here, I haven't seen him in days, he probably won't be coming back anytime soon

Mackenzie: Lauren, are you sure?

Lauren: Yes I'm sure, Mackenzie you're one of my closest friends, and I won't let you and my brother's breakup in the way.

Mackenzie: Thanks Lauren, but I think I have to pass

Lauren: Oh come on, please!

Mackenzie: *sighs* Fine, but Johnny better not be there

Lauren: I promise he won't

Mackenzie: Okay, i'll be there in around 30 minutes

Lauren: See ya

*Mackenzie hangs up*

Mackenzie: I better start getting ready, I hop into the shower wash my hair that I haven't washed in... I think I lost count and put on a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized sweater. I put my sunglasses on since I don't want people to see my puffy eyes, and head out into the elevator.

In Lauren and Johnny's Apartment

Lauren's POV: I close my bedroom door and open the front door. I see Mackenzie standing there with a massive sweater and sunglasses. This girl is utterly heartbroken. She takes of her sunglasses and

Mackenzie: *silently* hey

Lauren: Hey, um come in and take a seat

*Mackenzie sits on the dining table seat so does Lauren*

Mackenzie: So how are you?

Lauren: I'm alright, but hunny we are here to talk about you, what have you been up to lately, since the, you know what?

Mackenzie: I've been staying at home, watching Netflix, eating ice cream, crying, sleeping

Lauren: And...

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