Chapter 9: You Know What?

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A/N: Thank you @littledween for voting on this story. If you have not seen her book "Dreaming Reality" go check it out!

August 13th (Night time: Continued from the last chapter)

Johnny: Mackenzie, let's go 

Mackenzie's POV:  Johnny grabs my wrist and drags me down to our booth. I can't believe it, he saved me from a total perv, the guy that I have a crush on saved me, he defended me. I feel as though he did it for a different reason though, not just because I am a friend. I feel as though my feelings for him are growing each minute I see him. 

Johnny's POV: We reach the booth and the others are following behind us but still dancing, for sure... they are totally drunk now. Mackenzie and I sit down.

Mackenzie: So um... thanks for saving me

Johnny: No worries, I can't stand it when guys do it to girls

*Lauren, Carson & Nadia sit in the booth and say everything in a tipsy way*

Nadia: OH. MY. GOSH! what you did for Mackenzie was super cute

Carson: YEAH!

*Lauren starts making a beat out of the table and starts to randomly sing*


Johnny: Lauren why are you randomly singing? and that song?

Nadia and Lauren: WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU!

Mackenzie and Johnny: Oh My Gosh

*Lauren starts to climb on the table*

Mackenzie and Johnny: Lauren, come on, don't dance on the table

Johnny's POV: Lauren is super drunk, so drunk... does she know what she is doing?


*Lauren starts dancing on the table*

Johnny: *says to Mackenzie* Can you help me get her down? Maybe the perv will see her

Mackenzie: We need to get her down, that is for sure

Mackenzie's POV: I climb on the table and try to stop Lauren from dancing. She then tries to stop me from doing that then Johnny drags her off and carries her.


Johnny: Guys lets get out, it is already 12 pm, and I am pretty suing you have plans tomorrow

Nadia: BOO HOO! Let's just go though!

At Johnny and Lauren's Apartment

Lauren: HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!!!!!!

Johnny: Shhhhhhhh. The neighbors can hear you

*Mackenzie tries not to laugh*

Johnny: Mackenzie can you help me put Lauren in bed I don't think she can walk to her bedroom.

Mackenzie: No problem

Johnny's POV: Mackenzie goes underneath Laurens' arm and we walk her into her bedroom. Lauren then jumps onto her bed. Thank god she is laying down.

Lauren: Guys lay down with me! I feel lonely!

*Mackenzie and Johnny look t each other*

Mackenzie: I guess we have to lay with her

Johnny: yep

Mackenzie's POV: Johnny lies down on one side of the bed, and I go on the other, which means that Lauren is in the middle

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