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third person:

2 years ago is when everything happened. lucy found out that her crush had a crush on her. however, she couldn't tell him her feelings because she passed out. a year later, lucy found out natsu was moving for college. the two still keep in touch. but, lucy doesn't know if natsu still has feelings for her. she's dying to tell him, but something is holding her back.

lucy decided to take her mind off this. she grabbed her coat (it was mid winter after all) and decided to go on a walk. she walked out of her house and ran into lisanna.

"lucy," lisanna looked down at her shoes. "can we talk?"

lucy's p.o.v:

i was shocked when lisanna asked if we could talk. we haven't spoken in a while.

"sure, come in," i held the door open for her as she walked in and stood there.

"lisanna, you can sit on the couch," i told her. "anyways, you wanted to talk? i'll make some hot chocolate."

"okay," lisanna day down. i came over a few moments later with her cup in my hand. she set it down like what i did because my hands were going to burn off.

"i'm sorry lucy! for the stuff i did 2 years ago! i never got to apologize though!" lisanna hugged me and cried.

"hey hey hey," i told lisanna. "i forgive you. it was high school after all!" i looked at her and smiled.

"yeah, it was high school!" lisanna smiled at me.

she picked her hot chocolate back up. she took a sip.

"this whole thing was just to play with your emotions. i know you were sensitive back then, and i wanted to have a little fun." lisanna looked down. "fun fact, i never even liked natsu. i was still going after bickslow."

i laughed once again. "lisanna, i know. mira told me in the past. it's okay! let's just get over it and become friends once more!" lisanna looked up and smiled at me.

"yeah, let's be friends again!" she smiled and i took a sip of my hot chocolate.

we sat together and chatted about everything. we caught up. i wasn't worried about what lisanna was going to do. i trusted that she was a new person. i trusted that she's changed.

"lucy," lisanna said. "do you... like natsu?"

"as a friend or something more?" i asked her.

"... something more," lisanna answered.

i sat there.

"if you don't wanna tell me, that's okay! i just feel bad because i think i ruined-"

"something more," i answered.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry if i ruined you two's relationship! forgive me!" lisanna pleaded.

"as i said earlier, it's okay. it's all good," i smiled. "i still just don't know how to tell him,"

"he moved for college, didn't he?" lisanna asked.

"yeah he did," i sighed.

we both finished our hot chocolate. lisanna stood up and grabbed my hands.

"well lucy!" she smiled. "it's time to give back for what i've done! i'll help you tell natsu everything!"

"thanks lis," i smiled back. "but i don't know. what if he likes someone else now. what if he just thinks of us as friends still?"

"i know what you're saying," lisanna frowned. "give me your phone,"

"huh? why?" i practically yelled.

"just do it!" lisanna said.

"don't snoop through it. 3289 is my code," i handed her my phone.

"i wasn't planning to snoop through it," lisanna said.

"then what are you?-"

"hey natsu! its me, lisanna!" lisanna said.

"lisanna what the fuc-" i whisper yelled.

lisanna had the phone on speaker. there was no answer.

"jeez don't talk to me just because you hate me still, lucy and i are on good terms now." lisanna huffed.

"oh really?" natsu answered. "prove it."

"yeah, we're on good terms," i let out.

"okay, so. what do you want lisanna?" natsu asked.

"when are you going to be in magnolia again?" lisanna asked.

"what?" natsu answered.

"just answer my question," lisanna huffed.

"uhh... i don't know. i mean, i'm on winter break. you guys are too, right?" natsu asked.

"yeah, we are," lisanna answered.

"i might come home to watch over my sister so zeref wont have to do all the work, but i don't know. he does it so good but i owe him a vacation with his girlfriend," natsu said.

"cool, so if you come back, what day would you think?" lisanna asked.

"hmm... i'd rather spend christmas with my family then my asshole roommates...." natsu mumbled. "so like, around the 20?"

"and this is only if you come, right?" lisanna asked.

"yeah, only if i come," natsu said.

"cool!" lisanna said. "well, lucy and i are going to go do some stuff, so i'll call you later!"

"yeah, but how are you going to call me? you don't have my number??" natsu wondered.

"right," lisanna sighed.

"just have it, i have to talk to you later anyways. let's try to get on some good conditions." natsu huffed.

"sure," lisanna said. "now i'll call you later,"

natsu hung up. lisanna grabbed her phone and typed in natsu's number.

"now that that's out of the way," lisanna tucked her phone into her pocket. "let's go some places! just you and me."

"yeah sure!" i got up and grabbed our cups. i cleaned them off from the chocolate and set them into the dishwasher.

"so, want to hit up the mall?" lisanna asked while getting her coat on.

"yeah," i went to go grab my coat and put it on as well. "let's do that."

we walked out the door already starting a conversation. this time about my dog, plue, that hid in the corner. of course, during our talk lisanna noticed him. but we were talking about something else so she told me she decided to not bring it up. we laughed as we walked into the mall.

991 words

her secret love | sequel to friends like usWhere stories live. Discover now