[ xii ]

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natsu's p.o.v:
i decided i'd take lucy home with me. i told gajeel to drive zeref's car home because he was planning to visit his brother anyways.

lucy was asleep in the backseat. she didn't unpack any of her stuff, so it was easy getting her luggage in her car. but her car is just so confusing to drive like, how does she drive this thing?

as i pulled up to lucy's apartment building, i noticed that she woke up. she stared out the window as i looked back at her.

"natsu, just drive yourself to your house," she said. "i can help you unpack and drive myself home."

"clever thinking," i said. i did a 180 and drove to my hotel which i needed to check out of later.

we arrived at my hotel. lucy opened the door to the backseat. i opened the door of the drivers seat and opened up the trunk. lucy was trying to put her coat on. she eventually put the scarf on. she didn't notice, but i smiled as she put the scarf on.

i pulled my bag out of the trunk. "there's nothing really to unpack. i didn't think i was going to be staying long," i said.

"me neither," lucy said.

"what's wrong lucy?" i asked. "you don't seem as happy as you normally are."

"just tired, that's all," lucy shook her head.

i grabbed the bag and closed the trunk.

"you don't really need my help with that little stuff, i'll be on my way home. if you need me, i'll be taking a nap," lucy said.

"yep, you are tired," i watched her as she walked around and got into the front seat of her car. i walked into the hotel. i packed my suitcase up. i was checking out right now and heading home.

lisanna's p.o.v:

i haven't heard from lucy for a while. i decided to go over and see her. you know, make sure she isn't dead.

i drove over to her apartment building. she gave me a key a while back so i unlocked her door. the key worked of course. i walked in. i didn't see anything but the tv on. i figured she was just in the restroom and left it on. i went to go sit on the couch but to my surprise, lucy was asleep on the couch.

i can tell she didn't get a good night sleep last night.

her secret love | sequel to friends like usWhere stories live. Discover now