Whatever It Takes

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"Whatever it takes, 'cause I love the adrenaline in my veins.
I do whatever it takes, 'cause I love how it feels when I break the chains.
Whatever it takes, you take me to the top, I'm ready for whatever it takes"

Whatever it takes, you take me to the top, I'm ready for whatever it takes"

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"I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon..." Negan smirked, sauntering towards the woman as she exited her car. "So what's it gonna be?" He added, swinging his baseball up to rest across his shoulders.

"I'll work with you," Veronica stated frankly, moving to lean up against the hood of her car. Negan raised his brows as he looked her up and down.

"Good..." He grinned.

"But," Veronica started, cutting him off from saying anything more, "it's just me. My community stays out of this. I'm the one that wanted the trucks, I made my people help me take them. They were just following my direction, as I'm sure your people do for you." She finished. The smile that Negan had previously been brandishing soon dropped to an expression of pure irritation.

"Fuck no. That wasn't the deal." He stated, glaring at the woman he was just appraising. "The deal was, you and your people join us," he spoke, gesturing to his people who began emerging from the tree line to surround her, "and we all work together."

"Yeah well, it's just me." Veronica reinformed, trying to ignore the concern growing within her.

"What the fuck would just one person do for me?" Negan questioned, slowly making his way toward her. "Why would I accept just you when I know you have a whole fuck-ton of people that could do so much more for me?"

"They don't agree with the deal. They don't care about your offer." Veronica responded, standing from her position against the car as she took in the number of people that were now surrounding her. There was no way she could fight her way out of this. "I, on the other hand, am willing to work with you." She added, looking up at the man as he stood directly in front of her.

"They don't want to work with me?" He scoffed. "Well fuck, okay! I guess we're back at them working for me then."

"Why can't you just leave them the fuck alone? This is my fault, not theirs." Veronica snapped, annoyed that he wouldn't accept that only she would be joining him. This response clearly didn't sit well with the Savior leader as he reached forward, pushing her back into the hood of her car.

"You're either gonna take me to your community right now, or I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of you." He growled, holding her down by her throat.

"Do it." She croaked, her hands grasping at his wrapped around her neck. She wasn't ready to die, but if it meant saving her people, saving Michael and James, then she'd continue to offer her life in protection of theirs.

Negan once again scoffed at her response, releasing his grip on her throat before gesturing at his right-hand man to assist. Simon quickly made his way over to the two, pulling a coughing Veronica from the hood of the car and pushing her onto her knees as Negan paced before her.

"Your people could have had it so fucking easy..." He sighed, crouching in front of her. "You know I really don't want to do this," He admitted quietly, reaching forward to lift her head to face him. He was expecting a look of defeat, for her to immediately surrender and take him to her group, but instead, he was met with an icy glare. "You're not gonna beg for your life?" He questioned, smirking as she continued to glare.

"Why would I? With me alive, my group is in danger. You kill me, you don't find their location." She responded. Despite being terrified inside, her nonchalant demeanour remained. Negan remained silent, studying the woman's face as he pondered her response.

"You're loyal as fucking hell, I'll give you that!" He then remarked, standing from his crouched position to once again pace. "Tell you what... I'll give you a chance." He announced, "You work with me and I'll see how you do. If you're as fucking dedicated to your role as a Savior as you are to protecting your people, then I'll leave them alone." He declared. "Disappoint me, and we'll find them, I promise you that, and I'll make you and them wish you'd just taken the original fucking offer." He finished, offering his hand to the kneeling woman. "Deal?"

Veronica smirked to herself, she was unsure how she'd managed to once again get herself out of a life-threatening situation, but she'd done it. Reaching up, she clasped the man's hand. "Deal." She answered, rising to her feet.

Negan smirked at the woman, he didn't want to kill or even hurt her, but he had a reputation to uphold. If the Saviors knew he was developing a soft spot for the woman that had only ever caused him trouble, he knew his position as leader would be compromised. He couldn't let people get away with wronging them, but Veronica had to be an exception. There was something about her that he couldn't dismiss, whether it be her loyalty to her people, her bravery and skill or just her captivating beauty, he needed her by his side.

The two were both pulled from their thoughts by a cry of disbelief emerging from the surrounding group of Saviors.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The voice called out, drawing all the attention to himself. It was Skinny Joey, a male in which Veronica remembered distinctly.

"Do you need me to beat your ass again?" Veronica growled, taking a step toward the angry man who immediately raised his handgun.

"How many chances does this bitch get?" He cried out as Negan strolled forward to stand in front of Veronica.

"Put down the gun, Joey," Negan ordered. Veronica then watched as all the other Saviors pulled out their guns and directed them at the asshole. "I won't ask again," Negan added with a smirk. With a roll of his eyes, the man dropped his weapon. Veronica was impressed, the whole group respected Negan enough that they'd defend her, someone they had no reason to protect, just because he did.

"Now," he started, turning back to face Veronica, "you're coming back with us. I want you up bright and early to help my men get some supplies from another group." He ordered.

"I'll go on the supply run, but I'm not going back to wherever you reside. My people will get concerned, I need to go back." She responded. Noticing his face begin to grow annoyed again, she quickly moved into damage control once again. "Just for tonight at least, just so I can inform them of what's going on." She elaborated.

"Alright, just for tonight. I'll tell Gavin and his men to meet you here before the run tomorrow morning. Do you still keep track of time?" He questioned, earning a nod from Veronica as she raised her arm to expose her still ticking watch. "I know you've still got that radio, so I'll get Gavin to explain the detail's later." He informed.

"Sounds good." She nodded, watching as the Saviors all began to depart back into the trees, most likely heading to their vehicles. She was about to head over to her own car when Negan grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Please don't make me have to hurt you." He practically pleaded, catching Veronica off-guard. It almost sounded as if he cared about her.

"Right back at ya." She smirked, deciding to not think too deeply about it. She then walked over to her car, finally releasing the giant breath of relief she'd been containing from the moment Negan had said he'd give her another chance.

She didn't know what she'd done to deserve so many chances, but she was grateful for whatever reason.

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