Chapter 16

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Hours blurred into days. Days blurred into a week. One week blurred into two. It was all so simple and bland. Get up. Train. Keith. Shiro. Repeat. Lance had to admit the Keith part of his routine was unexpected. But out of all the people on the ship, he was the only one who Lance could talk to.

Lance avoided Shiro for obvious reasons. Pidge avoided Lance for reasons not as clear to him though, and they usually dragged Hunk along with them. Allura and Coran were constantly busy with salvaging their old plan to end the war, which didn't work for reasons unbeknownst to anyone. That left Keith, who Lance thought hated him, but that didn't seem to be the case. Every day when training time was over, Keith would immediately be at his side.

"Hey, how's your nose doing?"

"Oh Lance! Are you busy right now?"

"Lance, did you know that The Blade has ninjas?"

Lance never thought he'd get on this "buddy buddy" level with Keith of all people, but he wasn't complaining. As much as Lance didn't like to admit it, he actually enjoyed hanging out with Keith. In fact, he looked forward to it. On this particular day, it was all Lance could think about leading up to when Keith approached him.

"Lance, perfect, just the person I wanted to run into. You know those cookies Hunk made but said he wanted to wait until tonight to serve them? Well, I'm kind of hungry and pretty tired of food goo..," Keith shrugged, a small mischievous grin forming on his face.

Lance rubbed his elbow, it being extra sore from his particularly rough "Shiro Session" the previous evening. "Yeah, okay. What, uh, what are you suggesting?"

Keith rolled his eyes. "I'm saying, let's go sneak a few."

"Oh. Sure," Lance gave a small smile.

The two ex-rivals walked together to the kitchen. They looked around to make sure no one would catch them before slipping inside.

"We should probably keep the lights off, so if anyone passes by they won't see us in here," Keith suggested, going over to the panel by the door and switching the lights off.

"Okay, but there's only one flaw to the plan," Lance interjected, "it's pitch black in here."

"I- uh, I didn't think about that," Keith scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. "Well, we go here every day. Shouldn't be too hard to find our way around."

"Fine. Just keep your hands above waist-height and we should be fine," Lance instructed as he started to feel his way along the wall.

Even though Lance couldn't see him, Keith still rolled his eyes as he did the same.

"Found the cabinet. I'll get them out while you search for the panel to open the door," Keith ordered.

"What- how did you find it so fast? Do you have some unfair advantage by being half Galra? You better not have night vision, or I swear you'd be the most OP person I've ever met," Lance whined.

"Just because I'm part Galra, doesn't mean I have weird superpowers! And I'm pretty sure I'd know by now if I had night vision, Lance," Keith said.

"But what if you- hold up, I think I found the door," Lance ran his fingers down a door frame.

"Good, then the panel should be on the other- AHG! Get off!!" Keith shoved Lance against the wall, startled at the hands that were suddenly grabbing him.

"Oh Dios mío, I didn't know you were there! You nearly gave me a heart attack," Lance exclaimed.

"I nearly gave you a heart attack? And what did you say about keeping hands above waist-height," Keith panted.

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