Chapter 5

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Wade took one look at her and knew she was his woman. Harley Quinn was the one Joker wanted; she was his queen. He should've guessed it when he saw the clown makeup. Then again, most women today look like clowns, so it was an honest mistake. He took a few steps closer to her, taking in her whole appearance. He had to admit, she was hot.

Harley was busy applying an extra layer of lipstick and didn't seem to notice him. "Didn't you just put on that stuff five minutes ago?"

She looked up from her makeup compact mirror and smirked. "Well, a girl can never look too beautiful. Especially in these situations." She said in a Brooklyn accent.

Wade titled his head in agreement. "Just saying this is a suicide mission. So no use looking sexy if you're dead." His eyes caught sight of the gun in her holster, making him scoff. "You kill people with that watergun?"

Harley gave him a quizzical look before staring at her gun. She pulled it out and twirled it in her hand. "I dunno know. You kill people in that Halloween mask?"

"Uh, wrong. It's a vigilante mask. Didn't cost me a nickel, by the way." Wade corrected.

"So you stole it?" She assumed, her red smiling growing mischievously. 

"No, I did not steal it. I made it." He paused. "I stole the equipment." 

Wade watched in embarrassment as Harley started laughing. "Ha! So much for a badass. You couldn't steal a watch if it was on sale!" She mocked him.

"You don't know me, clown girl. You have no idea where I come from, okay? I grew up living in a clown porn video." He stepped towards her.

She stepped towards him. "My first boyfriend was arrested for murder."

"My first girlfriend was a prostitute." He fired.

"I was beaten as a child." She shot back.

"Lucky you. I was molested by my--"

"Uncle?" She guessed. "How quaint. My brother's friend almost got me... and he didn't do anything."

"At least you had brothers." Wade came up to her face while she played with her gum. "Daughter of three, divorcing parents, dysfunctional home in the suburbs. I could only imagine how hard it must've been winning all those Olympic medals and graduating valedictorian of your school. Life must be out to get you, huh?"

Harley looked him up and down, blowing a bubble then popping it. Her face remained still, like she was examining him. It kind of started to make Wade feel cheap. Finally, she grinned. "You're fun. What's ya name, sweets?"

"It's Wade Wilson." He informed her. "People call me Deadpool."

She put down her gun and picked up her bat, resting it on her shoulders. "I'm gonna call ya DP for short. That all right with ya?"

"Time's up!" Rick Flag shouted behind them. "Let's move out." Wade turned back to Harley and smiled. "Only if I can call you Harls."


The squad boarded the helicopter and Wade took a seat between Deadshot and Harley. The last time he was on the helicopter like this, he was with his old team, Team X. He took a minute to compare the two teams. It was almost like he was doing it all over again. "Deja vu." He mumbled to himself.

"What?" Deadshot looked at him. 

"I've been in something like this before. Granted, it was a long time ago, but...  I had a team like this once."

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