Chapter 9

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According to the Flag, John F. Ostrander Bulding is near the center of Midway City. So when coming upon it, Wade could see the lighting ring in the sky as it was not too far away. By the looks of it, it seemed to be getting bigger. But maybe it was just Wade's faulty wiring.

"Are you two clowns okay?" A voice interrupted Wade's gaze on the sky. He looked down and there standing beside him was Deadshot.

"What do you mean?" Wade asked, cluelessly.

He nodded ahead of them. "You and Harley."

Wade moved his eyes across to Harley. She was strutting in such a feminine and sexy manner it made Wade wanna squeal. Thankfully, he got a hold of himself in time to answer. "...Oh, uh, of course. Why'd you think otherwise?"

"Because you haven't said a word to each other since she played little stripper. You've both been so silent. You haven't even cracked a joke." Deadshot said his analysis. 

Wade scoffed. "Oh, puh-lease. I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, she's the one who's wrong. She's completely delusional!" Wade yelled the last sentence at Harley, cupping his hand beside his mouth. Harley turned around to stuck her tongue out at him, then spun back around.

Wade was about to march up to her, but was stopped by Deadshot's arm. "Look, man." He started. "Take it from a guy who used to be married... If you wanna get a girl to see she's wrong you gotta make her think she's right. Let the problem come to her, and then when the time's right swoop her off her feet."

"So you're saying tell her she's right until she sees she's wrong?" Wade recounted.

"Mm-hmm." Deadshot confirmed.

"That's bogus." Captain Boomerang said out of nowhere, now walking next to Wade. "If you wanna make a girl guilty you first gotta make her feel the part." He whispered to Wade, his liquor scented breath emitting on Wade, making him miss his mask. "You make her feel like she's not worth your time, and she'll get bored and come back for attention. That's when you give it to her." The Aussie winked at Wade sneakily.

"We're taking about relationships not one night stands." Deadshot shot at him.

"When was the last time you've had either of those, mate?" Captain Boomerang defended himself.

Wade was literally in the middle of them. He rolled his eyes, "Girls, girls. You both have gorgeous hair. Can we please focus on mine now?" He tried broke them up. "Tell you what. I'll try both of your ideas. Will that make you happy?" Wade settled it.

Deadshot and Captain Boomerang eyed each other before shrugging. When Wade walked, Boomer added. "Let's do this the right way. Loser owes the winner their last payment."

Deadshot chuckled. "You're on, man." They shook on it.


Flag and his troops were starting to get on Wade's nerves. They were either staring evilly at the squad, taking too long to act, or barely providing any help. This time, they were taking too long to act as everyone stood outside the building. Wade had no idea what they were doing or why they were on their knees.

"What are they waiting for Santa to come out?" Wade whispered to Boomer, who chuckled.

Deadshot walked over to Flag. He leaned down to him and said, "Why don't we get this over with?" Then, against Flag's protests, he entered the building, shattering the glass doors as he opened them.

Shortly after though, Flag and his troop joined him. Then after came Wade and the squad. "Mind if we tag along?" Flag emptily asked Deadshot.

Wade's eyes scanned the lobby for danger, but there didn't appear to be any. Then Deadshot motioned him over to the front desk computers cameras. It showed all the work floors, and in them there were no monsters. Wade tapped the screen to make sure, but the image stayed the same.

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