Chapter 7

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By now Wade suspected that Harley had already spread the word. For a moment, it seemed everyone was on the same page. Except for El Diablo and Killer Croc. Wade was pretty sure he could persuade both of them to join the club. 

As the group traveled deeper and deeper into the city, the ruckus just looked to be getting more catastrophic. Cars were zigzagged on the roads, smoke substituted air, and every now and then there would be firepits on the ground. Doors of buildings were left wide open, hinting that whoever exited them wanted to do so quickly and mindlessly. 

Up ahead, Flag and his SEALs took a knee behind a wrecked car. They stayed that way for a few seconds, saying things Wade couldn't make out. He and the squad stood behind their own wrecked car a few feet away. Then the strangest thing happened: one by one, the SEALs that were guarding Wade and the others started intentionally disappearing down alleys. Apparently, Wade wasn't the only person who noticed this.

 "Hey, I like these odds, mate. You just say the word." Boomer muttered to Deadshot, who now took up the leader role.

"Didn't you just try to escape, like, ten minutes ago?" Wade pointed out.

"Aye, I got closer to freedom than you did, pal." Boomer defended himself, sounding king of cocky.

"Come on!" Harley, who had one hand on Wade's shoulder and the other on Deadshot's, urged him on. But Deadshot appeared to be concentrating on something else in front of them.

"Yeah, uh, hold that thought." He walked around the car and towards Flag and his little army.

Wade turned his face to whatever Deadshot had been staring at. Although, he could barely see anything without having to squint. Even when doing that, the only thing that became visible was a car on fire... Literally. That's not to say other things didn't catch his eyes. Like how Katan pulled her sword out, or how Deadshot subsequently raised his rifle.

As if one cue, something out in the distance started to move. As it got closer, Wade could see it's monstrous figure come to light. By the looks of it, it was heading-- no, running right at them. Then out of nowhere other monsters joined the original's pursuit. Deadshot, Flag, and the SEALs fired at them, Killer Croc growled, and Captain Boomerang stalked away with a beer can. Wade pulled out his "Halloween mask" and briskly put it on. He noticed Harley glance at him just as she acquired her gun. "Huh." She said indiscriminately.

Some of the monsters managed to make it past the shooters, and it was obvious they couldn't stop all the monsters. So Wade did what any anti-hero would do. He took out his twin guns and wiggled his eyebrows. "Cue the music!" 

 "Cue the music!" 

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(No Money plays)

Wade fired at the first monster he saw, hitting a bullseye. Its two friends must've wanted a taste as well because they came charging at Wade. He happily obliged and shot them both in the head. Then he saw Deadshot, who was too busy taking monsters out on the left to catch the one running at him on the right. Wade aimed at it, squinting with his good eye, and pulled the trigger, sending the bullet into its head. 

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