❊ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tʜʀᴇᴇ ❊

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(4/17/21) A/N: Guys, I know he's not everyone's cup of tea 😂 you can imagine Enzo however you want. At the time that I wrote this I literally just looked up "attractive guy in a suit" and just chose one of the first photos that came up. I didn't look too hard to find a good picture the first time I went through and wrote this. This isn't even how I see Enzo and I'm the one who made him up 😂


The woman sat me down on the floor with a silent command to remain on my knees. I did as I was told, only because I was afraid that there was a gun still trained on my head. I didn't like not being able to see anything. I wanted to know where I was and what was going on.

There were silent whimpers around me and I knew that I wasn't the only woman being sold. I wanted to comfort them and tell them that I had a plan to escape...but I didn't. I had no plan. I couldn't have a plan. I couldn't see anything to look for a way out, and I couldn't see to tell if there was someone waiting to pull a trigger if I made the wrong move.

So much for being a fighter.

I remained still and silent, my face trained ahead in a way that I hoped looked like defiance rather than submission.

The sound of many lights turning on caused me to jump, but I stilled and remained motionless on the floor. Whispers erupted from ahead. There was a crowd of people.

Of course there was.

I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." The woman's voice echoed throughout the vast room through speakers. "If you are new to the auction, I am going to tell you how we proceed. First, you all will take a vote on five out of the ten women whom you don't have any interest in. We will get rid of those five and we will begin the auction for the remaining five. Prices on each person start at thirty thousand dollars. This is a silent auction and will all be handled on the electronic devices in front of you. The only type of payment we take is cash."

There were mumbles and whispers of acknowledgement and I tensed. They will get rid of five out of the ten women? There were ten of us? And five were going to be sold? What about the other five? What did they mean when they said that they were going to get rid of them?

"Begin your voting now."

Quiet beeping noises sounded in front of me, as well as some hushed whispers. It didn't take long for the entire area to silence and for the woman to begin speaking again.

"The votes are in," she sang happily. "Red, green, black, white, and orange are to stay. The rest are to be eliminated, and have their organs sold to continue the funding of the auction."

I opened my mouth to ask what they meant by eliminated, but the answer soon came by the sound of five shots ringing out. I clenched my eyes shut as the sound of five bodies hitting the floor met my ears. One girl on either side of me fell and I could plainly see one lying motionless by my side, eyes covered by a blindfold and mouth opened in a cry she didn't have the chance to voice. Blood began to pool around her head and I had to keep from screaming.

Hands grabbed me and lifted me up to my feet. The person pushed me forward so that I was in front of the carnage before he pushed me to my knees once again. The most surprising thing was the fact that there weren't any gasps or screams of horror from the crowd. It all came from the women around me. I was the only one who remained silent through the entire thing, even though my entire body wanted to shake in horror.

I lowered my head and let out a slow, even breath.

"We will start with red," the woman said. A whimper sounded as someone forced a girl forward. "Her name is Samantha Fuller. She is twenty years old. She is five feet two inches and is one hundred and forty seven pounds. Her natural hair color is black, although she dyes it blonde. Her eyes are brown. She is not a virgin and has been living on the streets for quite some time now, making her money by prostitution. She is clean from any STD's."

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