❊ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tᴡᴇɴᴛʏ﹣Sᴇᴠᴇɴ ❊

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I wasn't sure how I felt about Enzo's job or what he did as an interrogator. I told him that I would be there for him if he needed to talk about it, which seemed to lift a huge weight off of his shoulders. He probably never had someone there for him when he needed someone to talk to. Even his father, who was in the same profession, wasn't there for him because of some unknown feud from years ago.

He entwined his fingers through mine and pulled me along back to the dining room, where his family still sat. They were silent as we walked in, eyeing the two of us like I was about to explode and Enzo was about to say something to push me over the edge. If only they knew what he just told me.

"I apologize." Enzo pulled out my chair for me and waited for me to sit before he took his seat next to me. "We had to clear a few things up."

"And?" Anna raised a perfect eyebrow.

I knew they didn't know of his job and what he did for a living, so I had no idea what to say back to her. I couldn't say that he told me what he did for a living in its entirety. I couldn't tell them that I left the room because, for some reason, him feeling something for me was overwhelmingly confusing. And I certainly couldn't say that I was beginning to believe that I was beginning to have feelings for him.

He glanced at me. "And, if all goes well, I feel like we could potentially have a relationship in the future. It all depends on her at this point."

My cheeks burned. I knew what he meant. He was saying that if I could take him as he was, killer and torturer in all, then there was a chance that we could be together. It made me happy and horrified all at once. I told him that I'd be there for him if he needed it, and I accepted bits and pieces of his work, but I wasn't sure how I felt about being in a relationship with him.

I had only known Enzo for a month and a half. But living with him and learning his daily routines brought us relatively close in the short time we spent under the same roof. I wouldn't go as far as saying that I was in love with him, but I did feel something. And it wasn't all sexual. He treated me with respect and was always there to protect me when Maverick was concerned. He never lied to me, as far as I knew.

Anna and Adrianna were looking at me, waiting for me to say something. I wasn't sure what they expected. Did they want me to tell them that I had feelings for him? Did they want me to apologize for going along with his lies? Because I wouldn't.

"Do you have any sort of feelings for my son, Eva?" Anna sounded hurt.

Nico huffed out a breath. "Anna, seriously. Give it up. He lied to you. She lied to you. What'd I tell you?"

I growled. "Don't you dare go on about us lying to you guys when you've been-"

Enzo squeezed my thigh, which shut me up.

I shot an irritated look at him, but kept my mouth shut. I wanted to tell him off so badly.

Nico's eyes narrowed at me. "I've been what?"

"Why are you such a fucking prick?" I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Every time I've seen you, you've been glaring at either Enzo or me. I haven't done a damn thing to you for you to treat me the way you do. And Enzo? For Christ's sake! How long has he been trying to gain your approval, only for you to turn your back on him? What kind of a father are you?"

He stood abruptly, making the chair clatter to the ground. Sophia jumped and rushed to go pick it up, only to be stopped by his glare. She cowered back to her corner as he turned his attention back to me.

"What do you know of it?" He spoke through clenched teeth.

I stood too, but a little more carefully than him. Enzo tried to pull me back down, but I pulled away from his grip. "Explain why you treat him like he's shit on the bottom of your shoe."

His father was before me before I could blink, grabbing my shirt and hauling me off the floor. He held me at eye-level, his glare burning into my own.

"I have feelings for your son." After I said it, I knew it was true. The feeling I got whenever I saw him was warm, even after I found out what he was.

I had spoken softly, but I knew the rest of the room heard it in the silence. No one moved. No one spoke. No one knew what to do or what we were about to do to each other. My whisper was like a scream in the silence.

Nico scoffed and shook me, making my dress ride up slightly.

I growled. "Quit scoffing like you're king of the damn world. I know what he does for a living, Nico."

That stopped him short. His narrowed eyes grew wide and he instantly dropped me to my feet. He took a few steps away from me like I was on fire. I didn't move. I kept my eyes on his.

He suddenly shot a look at Enzo. I didn't know what was in that look. Betrayal? Surely not. Anger? No, I knew the face he made when he was angry. Shock? Yes. He was shocked. He looked at his son with a tight jaw and slightly widened eyes, to which Enzo only nodded slightly.

"Can I speak with you two," Nico hissed, turning on his heel. It wasn't a question. I knew it was an order and something I wasn't supposed to ignore. When I turned to do just that, Enzo caught my wrist and hauled me along behind him.

We ascended the stairs and went to his office. I had to keep from growling at his father. And once again, I wanted to pat myself on the back for not doing what I really wanted to do. The man needed to be told what's what and be put in his place. He didn't act like a father. He acted like a dictator.

Once the door was shut, Nico spun to face us, his face red with anger. "You told her what you are?"

I almost flinched at the venom in his words, but I refrained. I kept my gaze level - if not a little bit narrowed. If I thought I saw him mad before, nothing prepared me for this. His face was red and the veins in his neck were plainly visible. The fact that I didn't react seemed to piss him off even more.

"Where did you even find her?" Nico was looking at me like I was a disease.

"The auction," Enzo answered smoothly. His face never changed, even when Nico turned his fury on him.

Tension crackled through the air between them, even though no words were spoken. It was as if they were having a silent argument while I stood to the side uninvolved. Enzo stood casually with his hands in his pockets, looking into his father's matching brown eyes. Nico stood ridged, pissed beyond relief.

"How many times..." Nico hissed the words through his teeth. "How many times do I have to tell you not to go back to that place?"

"I'm thirty years old." Enzo's eyes narrowed. "I think I have the right to do as I please."

Nico turned and looked at me. I could tell that he was used to people cowering before him if he wanted them to. The fact that I stood my ground and locked eyes with him made him growl.

"An auction girl falling for my son." Nico laughed sardonically. "Maverick let you buy her? She seems like his type."

I tensed at the name, which made him smirk.

"He bid on her." Enzo glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "But he didn't win."

My entire body went cold and my vision went hazy. Maverick bid on me against Enzo? Why wasn't I made aware of this before? It would have been nice to know that there was a possibility that he would come after me before he actually did. I guess it didn't matter in the long run.

Nico tilted his head, suddenly going completely and utterly calm. "No, I guess he didn't."

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