❊ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fᴏʀᴛʏ ❊

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Triggers: Rape and Abuse


Evᥲ's POV

In the end, Maverick was right. It didn't hurt anymore, especially when I slept. The concrete wasn't as comfortable as I'd liked it to have been, but it was something. And anything was better than having to be awake to see Maverick again. I couldn't even sleep without dreaming of his punishments.

Ever since he raped me that first time, it became an almost daily thing. He would come into the room, wait for me to push myself up into my submissive pose, and then he would take me. Each time, it hurt worse than the last, even though it had only been about five more times. And each time, I allowed him. I closed my eyes and thought of something other than the pain of him ramming into me and his fingers digging into my skin.

I wasn't broken. But I was close. The only thing keeping me sane was the fact that I would see Enzo again. One day, I'd see him again. It didn't matter what I had to go through to get to him. Even though that man was infuriating and coy, he was also sweet to me. I honestly didn't care about his job anymore. Not after Maverick.

Exhaustion had become something that I was becoming accustomed to. Each time I fell asleep, I hoped to see Enzo's smile. Instead, I saw the monster that held me captive.



I opened one eye, wondering if any time had passed at all. I figured that it had, since I was on my side rather than my back. Vince's warm hand was cupping my ice-cold cheek and he looked worried. I wasn't sure what he had to be worried about. He wasn't the one hurting.

"Take these." He held out some pills and dragged the metal water bucket over to me. "They'll help a little."

I closed my eye again, only for him to force my mouth open and shove a pill inside. Knowing that I didn't have a choice, I sat up the best I could and swallowed down whatever the hell he was giving me.

Moving even slightly brought my body discomfort. I was still only permitted to wear my bra and panties, leaving the rest of my bruised and battered body out for show. I just knew the coldness of the room didn't get to me when I was asleep. And seeing as though that's all I ever wanted to do, it normally wouldn't have bothered me. But for some reason, Vince wasn't allowing me to lay back down.

"I'm so sorry, Eva," he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

I would have moved away from him, but it would have taken too much effort and I was too exhausted as it was.

"You don't deserve this," he continued, closing his eyes. "You didn't deserve it anyway. Not the auction or the way he's been treating you. I spoke with Enzo."

I closed my eyes too. It felt good to close my eyes.

"He said the baby was mine." He let out a sad laugh. "That's not what changed my mind, though. I can't believe it took this for me to see what I sentenced you to. I don't expect you to ever forgive me. I wouldn't. But I will help you. Put your last bit of trust in me, Eva. Please. I won't let you down again."

He laid me down and I felt something warm cover me. I didn't look. I didn't care. The sudden warmth of whatever he put on me caused the exhaustion to overtake me. 

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