❊ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fɪғᴛʏ﹣Tʜʀᴇᴇ ❊

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The flight back from the government compound was silent and seemed to stretch out much longer than an hour and fifteen minutes. Enzo didn't speak to either me or his father, which Nico didn't seem to mind. He seemed to care more about how I was feeling after my interaction with Maverick.

I wanted to explain myself to Enzo, but I was afraid that what Maverick said was right. Maybe he was disgusted about the fact that I was so scarred.

We landed without having spoken once. He hopped out of the helicopter, and waited for me to exit, before turning back to his father and waving a goodbye and muttering a quiet thanks, which I doubted Nico heard over the sound of the helicopter blades. But his father smiled, throwing me off once again. My honest to God first thought was that he was on drugs.

I began to walk to the front door, but Enzo wrapped his long fingers around my wrist. When I turned to look back at him, he was looking away from me and towards the limo parked near the entrance to the estate. The driver stepped out, gave us a bow, then walked to the back door, and opened it.

My eyebrows furrowed when Enzo began to pull me along to the limousine. "Where are we going?"

"We need to talk," he mumbled, motioning for me to go inside before him.

I did as I was told, even through the knot beginning to form in my stomach. I hated those four words. They never amounted to anything good, especially when they were directed at me.

When he was seated across from me, I couldn't help but remember the day he took me home from the auction. I was so hesitant to trust him, thinking him to be just some sort of psycho who got off on purchasing women. Never did I think he would be someone who cared for me. Nor did I think he would have to save me a second time.

The limo began to move away from the house and towards the gates to his estate. I felt his eyes on me, even though I wouldn't look up to meet them. I was too afraid of what he was going to say to be able to do anything except just sit there staring at the floor.

"Eva." His voice made me jump slightly. "Look at me."

I looked at his chest. That would have to do.

In my peripheral vision, I saw his head tilt to the left ever so slightly. "I don't find you disgusting, Eva. I'm pissed that he did all of those things to you, but you are not disgusting. Those marks are a part of you now. The story behind them is horrific and terrible, but you lived through every second of that torture and came out alive. You are strong. Much stronger than most would have been."

I wanted to feel relieved, but I couldn't help but feel he was setting himself up to say something that would crush me. That was how it worked, wasn't it? Make a person feel strong and capable, even when they didn't feel like it, only to crush them with a few simple words that were sharper than a knife.

I wondered what he would tell me. That he didn't want me to live in his house anymore? That he wanted me to "move on" with my life and find someone who would make me happy?

"You asked me earlier why I came to save you." He leaned forward and grasped my chin in his hand. Instead of flinching away from his touch, I leaned into it, looking up into his dark brown gaze. "I did it for the same reason you'd feel crushed if I told you that I thought you were disgusting."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. If he thought I was disgusting, it would crush me because of how I felt towards him. But Enzo, the man who never seemed to feel anything, couldn't feel the same way towards me. It just didn't make any sense. He told me once that all he wanted from me was sex and nothing more. Then he said we could potentially have a relationship...but that was just before I was taken.

"I love the sarcastic remarks you make," he whispered. "I love the way you snap at people without even thinking twice about the consequences. I love how strong you are, even after going through Hell. You're becoming yourself again, Eva. Slowly, yes. But you were so strong and confident in front of the man who almost killed you. It was amazing to watch you in action. I love the color of your eyes. I love how soft your hair is running through my fingers. I love the feel of your lips on mine, although I wish I was a little gentler with you the past times we've kissed. Whenever I look at you, I feel this pull to protect you. It's been there ever since I saw you up on that stage."

My eyes were wide, searching his for any sign of a lie. I didn't see any. He was spilling everything, making my heart contract. Hearing all of those words gave me hope that I didn't want. I didn't want to feel anything towards the man I called my boss and my purchaser. But through everything we went through, I found myself growing attracted to not only his looks, but the way he treated me as well.

I wanted to stop him.

"But I didn't realize that I loved you until after you were taken from me." The words were almost inaudible, but I heard every single word.

The limo stopped and Enzo stood, his hand falling away from my chin. "Come on."

I got out of the limo and Enzo wrapped his arm around my waist before beginning to pull me to a restaurant. I blinked at it, not trying to fight against his hold because I knew it would be futile. So I followed him inside, looking around and taking in the sights.

We were seated quickly and ordered our drinks. I wasn't sure what he expected me to order, since I was on a strict diet from Carmen until I could eat as much as I wanted.

"What are we doing here," I asked after the drinks were set down and we ordered our food. I ordered a caesar salad with french onion soup while Enzo ordered a pork tenderloin with a baked potato.

He smiled slightly, but didn't answer.

The lights dimmed and I furrowed my eyebrows as the waiter came and set our food down.

"What are you doing then," I asked, eyeing my food cautiously.

Shrugging one shoulder, he began cutting up his pork. "Taking you out."

"Taking me out?" I took a bite of my salad.

"On a date," he clarified.

I fought back a smile. I hadn't smiled much since I had come back from Maverick's, so it felt weird. But I couldn't help it. Watching him innocently cutting up his pork while avoiding eye contact with me made me want to laugh.

He stopped cutting at his pork and looked up at me, watching the twist of my mouth. His eyes softened and they glimmered with something I couldn't quite place.

"Don't I have to agree to the date before it's considered a date?" I covered my smile with my hand.

He reached over and grasped my hand, lowering it back down to the table. "Not this time around. Next time, you can agree."

"And if I don't," I challenged.

He smiled, the dimples appearing in full force. "Well, then I'll just have to woo you until you can't help but want to go on another date with me."

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