❊ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Sᴇᴠᴇɴ ❊

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An alarm somewhere in the room began blaring, forcing me awake from a dead sleep. I sat up, rubbing my forehead and glaring at anything and everything that I could get my eyes on in the room. It was way too damn early to wake up. If the fact that it was still dark outside was any indication, the fact that the rest of the mansion seemed entirely quiet except for my alarm was enough to tell me so.

I stood. Once my feet hit the plush carpet, the alarm silenced. I blinked and searched the room again. There was a clock on the wall, but that was an analog clock and didn't look like it had an alarm set into it. And, like I assumed, it was the ungodly hour of five o'clock in the morning.

I sat back down on the cloud-like bed. When my feet lifted from the floor, the alarm began blaring once again.

"What the everloving fuck?" I hissed, standing once again. The alarm promptly stopped.

I ground my teeth together and walked to the bathroom to try and wake up since there was no way that I could sleep through that weighted alarm. I splashed ice cold water on my face and looked up, cringing when I saw the way the bruise looked on my cheek. He hit me much harder than I thought he did, it seemed.

I brushed my teeth, grumbling. If I had to wake up at five o'clock every single morning, Enzo and I would have a bigger problem than we already did. I threw my hair up into a ponytail before going to the closet and staring blankly at the line of maid outfits.

Maybe he had a thing for maids.

I threw on one of the dresses and smoothed the skirt down before throwing on the white apron. Just as I slid my feet into black flats, there was a slow knock on my door. I walked over and opened it to a smiling Sophia.

I stared at her, wary of the smile on her face. If she was a morning person, that'd be an even bigger problem than the weighted alarm. I wanted to go back to sleep until, at least, eight. But no! Enzo decided that five o'clock was a great time for a wake up. Whether or not that was the normal wake up time - which it seemed like it was, if Sophia's expression was any indication - him and I were going to have a long and detailed conversation.

"It's too early," I mumbled, walking out and shutting the door.

She nodded and began to walk towards the kitchen. "Yes. But you'll get used to it."

Oh, so it was normal for the help to wake up early. I wondered if the main man woke up that early or if it was just the maids and the other workers.

She led me into the kitchen and motioned towards the coffee pot in offering, which I took gratefully. But when she grabbed an energy drink from the refrigerator, I held out the black coffee and cocked an eyebrow. She only tilted her head, unsure of what I was asking. I was not one to talk right when I woke up, but apparently she didn't understand that I wanted some of the Red Bull in my coffee.

I grabbed it from her before she could take a drink and poured some into my coffee, winking when her eyes went wide.

"Does that taste good?" She eyed the coffee pot.

I grinned and poured her a cup. She poured some of the energy drink into the coffee before putting the rest of the can back into the fridge. When she took a sip, her face contorted in confusion, then interest. I probably should have told her that, with the way that she was, she'd be bouncing off the walls the entire day. But the look on her face was too much. I had to see what she was like hyped up on coffee and Red Bull. She'd probably have heart palpitations, since it was blatantly obvious that she had never tried it before. She'd live. As long as she didn't do it often.

I downed the coffee as the chefs entered the kitchen. Each and every single one of them looked about excited for the day as I did, but greeted the two of us nonetheless. A few of them introduced themselves, but the rest kept to themselves, silently walking to their posts to begin their day. I was fine with that. I was more of a sleep at five o'clock in the morning kind of girl myself.

"How'd you like the alarm," Sophia asked, leaning back on a stainless steel table where the chefs weren't working.

"I wanted to ask about that." I tilted my head in thought. "How do I break it?"

She laughed. "You can't. Enzo sets up a time for us to wake up and the only way for it to turn off is to put your body weight on the floor."

"Guess I'll be sleeping on the floor then," I said and she sputtered another laugh.

She covered her mouth. "I like you a lot, Eva. Man, I probably won't want to leave in six months."

I grinned. "So, what is it we do in the mornings?"

"Well, nothing." She pursed her lips. "Not until breakfast. I usually just come in here for coffee in the mornings while they cook and steal some of the food they make. Enzo had company last night, so the room will be pretty much full. They all take coffee and water. I'll take ten of each, you'll take ten of each. The trays are pretty big. We'll leave here at six to go deliver them."

I glanced at the clock. There was only five more minutes until six and I lowered my gaze to her to see that she was already filling up coffee cups and setting them on trays. I followed suit and grabbed glasses, filling them with ice then water from the freezer and refrigerator. I had a feeling I'd mess up. I'd never been the most graceful person.

"I'll go to the left, you go to the right." She picked up her tray and balanced it on her shoulder. "You'll give Enzo his water and coffee at the end."

I followed suit and moved the tray to my shoulder. "I may or may not drop everything on him."

She turned horrified eyes on me before pushing through the double doors. I followed her out and almost froze in my spot at the look of all the people dressed to the nines...at six o'clock in the freaking morning. Just what were these people?

I moved my tray in time with Sophia, never once looking the people in the eye. I set the coffee to the right and the water to the left of the coffee, just as she had done. I kept my eyes on her, watching as she smiled at each guest, even if they didn't smile back.

I lowered coffee to a woman in a white pants suit. I could feel her scrutinizing gaze on me, but I didn't give her the pleasure of a reaction. I just turned my gaze to meet with hers and faked a smile. I already hated her. Well, her and the other three women in the room who wouldn't take their eyes off of me like I was some sort of spectacle.

"What happened to your face?" One woman chuckled into her hand as I gave her water. I contemplated splashing it on her face to watch as her caked on makeup ran down and messed up her blouse.

I glanced at Sophia, who shook her head quickly at me. I didn't take the hint. I didn't like to be belittled.

"I can show you." I smiled sweetly at her as I gave Enzo his coffee and water. I lifted my fist and flipped her off at my side. "It'll hurt a little, though."

Sophia gaped.

Enzo sighed.

And I stood there grinning wickedly at her before turning and marching back to the kitchen. Sophia followed, her eyes down at the ground until we got into the safety of the kitchen. Then she doubled over laughing.

I smirked. The caffeine was taking its toll. And right on time.

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