Chapter 4

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So let's pretend like beyonces music career started in like 2015

6:30 pm
Nicki's house

I sat downstairs playing with kasen waiting for nicki to come downstairs. She had him dressed in a red polo shirt with the black sign and black ripped shorts paired with red and black 13s.

She decided that we would go to Dave & Busters then a movie and dinner if we were hungry afterwards. I sat on the floor in a casual outfit tickling kay and play fighting with him.

Although we haven't really been reconnected that long I feel like im falling in love with nicki again. Even though she has a whole child I'm willing to step up to the plate and play that part. I just want her and kasen happy.

I wanted to take them out because everyone deserves a fun day. As me and Kay were playing on the floor I seen nicki walking down the stairs causing me to stand up picking up Kay with me.

"Ready beautiful?" I asked causing her to blush and nod. I grabbed Kay's book bag and held open the door for nicki on the way out.

After straping kay in i started the car and started the drive to dave and busters. As i was driving i put on the radio and sung along to Rude by MAGIC!.

I looked over at Nicki with a goofy smile to see her looking at me smiling. She always wanted me to further my singing career but im kind of scared of what other are going to think. I stopped at the red light and looked at nicki smiling before i continued singing.


As of right now we are still at Dave & Busters. Nicki is getting hella irritated because Kay keeps running off. I can see she is fixing to get real angry so I decided to help her out.

"Hey go sit down i got him " I said taking Kay's hand

"Nah its fine I'll be fine" she says letting out a deep sigh

"I got him nic go get a drink or 2 or something to relax you " I said walking towards where ever Kasen was leading me.

We played so many games together and soon he started rubbing his eyes. I walked him to the car and put him in his seat before calling nicki and telling her we were in the car waiting for her.

As she was walking out I seen a man stopping her. She said some words to him before walking off which caused him to yank her back. I twisted my face up and watched as she decked him in the face and walked off.

She entered the car and I looked at her to see tears threatening to fall from her eyes. I immediately started asking her questions.

"Who was that "I asked

"My ex Meek"she replied with a cracked voice.

"Did you still wanna go to the movies or do you wanna go home ?" I asked

"Can you just take us to the house" she asked causing me to nod and start my way to her house

I don't personally know meek but i don't like him and for him to make her cry and pull on her the way he did he can definitely kick rocks. I wonder if thats Kasens dad. Either way he better hope i don't ever see him do her like again.

The ride to her house was way too quiet. I know how she gets when she gets sad or too emotional. She shuts down and stays to herself. I look over and noticed she was sleeping. She so cute even with a slightly red face.

As I pull up to her house I grab Kasens bag. I don't want to wake her up because she looks so peaceful and exhausted. I pull out her keychain and go to unlock the door with Kay in my arms and his bag on my back.

After getting him in the house and into his bed I go to get Nicki. I open the door and pick her up. She shifts and places her head in my neck and sighs. I carry her to her bed and try to lay her down. She clings to my neck whines.

"I gotta go mamas" I say softly

"Please stay bey" she whispers back

I lay down in the bed with her and rub her back until she goes back to sleep. I wrap my arms around her and drift to sleep listening to her light snores.


Its about 12:15 and im woken out of my sleep by whimpers. I look over and see nicki is still snoring next to me so I get up out of the bed and rush to Kay's room. As I walk down the hall worry fills my body.

When i open his door I donr see him in his bed so I turn on the light and see his closet door cracked. I rush to the closet and slowly pull it open.

He looks up at me with tears running down his face. I sit next to him and pull him into my arms. I rocked him singing quietly to calm him. After he was calm iblookwd down and he looked up at me with those big brown eyes.

"Whats wrong bud" I asked rubbing his hair

"I scared" his tiny voice said

I picked up him and took him downstairs and sat him on the couch. I turned the tv to Nick Jr. and sat next to him wrapping my arm around him. We sat in silence watching Blaze.

About 15 minutes later I was stretched out on the couch while he layed on top of me sleeping. I kissed the top of his head before trying to go back to sleep. I listened to his steady breaths before dosing off.

Didnt proof read
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