Chapter 24

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The next morning

The baby is here. My other prince is finally here after 5 and a half hours of labor. Mr.Justice DeAngelo Knowles is here and currently sleeping. I layed my head on nicki as the kids stand around his bassinet.

She stared over at Justice with a smile on her face. I heard him start to cry so I got up to get him. I seen kayla open her eyes but I told her to go back to sleep while I had him. He opened his eyes and looked at me as he stopped crying. 

I sat back by nicki and rocked him as I hummed him a song. He looked around the room and stopped at nicki.  He stared at her for the longest before I gave him to her. Looking at them interact made me tear up.

I finally got my prince here along with My other three royal babies. This is the life ive always hoped for. A life where all of my family gets along and my kids are happy, nicki is happy.

I am so thankful that I got to witness this considering I didn't get to see Kasens birth. I wish it was Nicki having Justice but all and all I'm thankful to have him here with me.

I looked over at kasen and lani to see them watching cartoons on the tv in the room. I leaned over and kissed Nicki. As i looked at Juju I started to frown.

Last time I checked Kayla lived in Houston. If she lives in Houston and I live in New York how am I going to see Juju. I guess nicki saw my face because she asked me what was wrong.

I told her we would talk avout it later and she nodded while rocking Juju to sleep. She put Juju in his bassinet and leaned in her chair closing her eyes. I could tell she wasn't comfortable so I pulled her into my lap and let her lay her head on my chest.

We stayed there for a few more hours before leaving and taking the kids to get some food. When we arrived back home I went to shower while the kids and nicki ate their food.

In the shower I started to think about Juju. I don't want to move to be in his life but if I have to I will. I just hope it doesn't come to that. I'll do whatever I have to, to watch my son grow up.

I was so caught up in my thought I didn't know nicki had came intot he bathroom and undressed. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder.

Turning around I captured her lips with mine. She pushed us under the water letting it fall over our heads. She looked so good under the water.

"What was wrong earlier?" She asked

"Kayla doesn't live in New York she lives in Houston" I said frowning.

"I'm sure y'all will work something out don't stress" she said before she started to wash me.

We washed each other before getting out and having a family chill day in the living room.

Didn't proof read
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