Chapter 21

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Waking up I rubbed my sore, puffy, red eyes. I shifted in nikas hold which made her tighten her grip. Lifting my head I looked at the time before grabbing my phone. Going to my messages I started a new thread with Kayla.

To Kayk❤🤰🏾: Lunch @4 Today?

From Kayk❤🤰🏾:Sounds like a plan. Where at?

To Kayk❤🤰🏾:is the ale house good?

From Kayk❤🤰🏾:that's fine, see ya later

To Kayk❤🤰🏾:alright see you then

I looked up at nicki sleeping and leaned up to kiss her lips. She is so good to me even after everything I put her through. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"You feeling better baby?" She asked rubbing my back. I nodded in response.

After I took my nap yesterday I wasn't myself. I wouldn't really come out the room and the kids thought it was their faults but after realizing I was being selfish I bathed them and told them my actions had nothing to with them.

Nicki patted my butt before getting out of the bed. I followed her to the bathroom where she was brushing her teeth. I grabbed my toothbrush and started to clean my mouth as well. She finished before me so she came and wrapped her arms around my waist laying her head on my back.

Once I finished I turned around  wrapping my arms around her and picking her up. She layed her head on my shoulder as I walked out into the hallway and towards the kids rooms.

I checked Kay's room and seen him on his car carpet watching tv. He looked at us briefly and then back at the TV. We wlft his rooma and walked into Lani's where she was just laying in bed looking at the wall.

Frowning I out nicki down and walked over to her. She looker up at me with watery eyes then turned her back to me. I looked back at nicki and she shrugged patting my back and walking out.

I sat on her bed and pulled her into my lap which immediately made her cry. I layed back with her on my chest as I rubbed hrr back trying to call her down.

"Whats wrong baby girl?" I asked rocking her in my arms.

"My tummy hurts" and right as she said that she threw up all over me.

I sucked in a breath before yelling for nicki to come back into the room. She walked in and looked at me before rushing over. She picked Lani up taking her into the bathroom while i carefully stripped out of my clothes.

I rolled them up and put the in the washer along with her covers. I went to check on Lani and seen her in the bath looking pale as ever. Nicki started to wash her hair and body so I excused myself to the shower.

I scrubbed my body multiple times before getting out and dressing in a spaghetti strap tank top and basketball shorts with long black socks. I walked into our room and seen a sleeping Lani in the middle of the bed.

I shut off the light before exiting and going downstairs. I saw nika and kay in the living room watching cartoons so I went to join them. I grabbed Nicki and sat her on my lap while layed her head on my chest.
Didnt proof read
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