Chapter 19

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12:30 pm

Today is the day of kasens birthday party and right now I'm picking up his gifts and extra supplies we might need. His theme is spiderman so Beyonce should have decorated most of the house with spiderman.

I payed for items and headed to the house. When I pulled up I seen cars lined up on the grass. I pulled into the driveway and walked into the house. In the back Kasen has about 5 bouncy houses, basketball games, and a bunch of other small kiddie carnival stuff.

I spotted beyonce by the popcorn machine talking to a lady. The lady was too close for my liking and Beyonce was looking around nervously. When we made eye contact I raised my eyebrow and she just shrugged and motion me over.

I walked over to them and wrapped my arms around Beyonce's waist. She grabbed my hands kissing them before pulling me into a hug. I looked at the lady and seen the fake smile in her face.

"Hi I'm Kasens mom and you are?" I asked

"I'm Jason's mom Brenda" she said making googly eyes at beyonce.

I rolled my eyes before dragging Beyonce with me to the bouncy house where kasen and Elaniah were. They jumped happily and played with the other kids. Beyonce wrapped her arms around me and smiled. I smiled back before looking over at the rest of the yard.

We went into the kitchen to see if his cake had arrived and luckly it had so we called everyone inside. They all crowded around the table but I sent them into the play room where we had spiderman tables set up for them.

Me and beyonce fixed the plates and dished them out to the kids. Then we told the parents they could eat if they pleased. I watched as Elaniah played with this little girl I believe was named Marilyn.

I left the kids to eat and went back into the kitchen where beyonce was making a plate. We were serving nachos, pizza, meatballs, chicken nuggets, hamburger, and hotdogs.

I knew the plate was for me because bey doesnt really like ketchup and she put it on the burger and hot dog. I kissed her cheek before fixing her plate which consist of chicken nuggets , pizza, and meatballs. Beyonce lovessssss meatballs. I watch as Brenda licks her lips at beyonce and smirked.

After all the kids are done eating we started singing happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kasennn, Happy birthday to you." He smiled then blew out his candles.

Bey cut a piece of cake and acted like she was giving it to him before smashing it in his face. She laughed as he wiped his eyes and sucked his fingers. We gave everybody cake and then we started sending people out.

"I need Jakob, Javari, Marlon, Ace, and Jason to come here please" I said watching the 5 little boys run up to me.

"Go tell your parents by and go with Kasen up to his Room" I said as the all took off.

I felt a tug on my shirt and turned around to see Elaniah and Marilyn standing there. Kneeling down to their height I raised an eyebrow.

"What can I do for you"

"Can Marilyn stay too?" Lani asked.

"um that's up to her mommy" I said which made them run to another lady before coming back.

"She said she can stay but she doesn't have any clothes for now" Lani answered.

I walked over tot he lady and smiled.

"Hi I'm nicki and im guessing youre Marilyn's mother"

"Yes ma'am my names Aniyah" she said shaking my hand.

"Marilyn can stay tonight just bring her clothes in the Morning" I said causing her to nod.

"Will do Mrs.Nicki" she said before walking off. That's girl looks hella young to have a 3 year old.

After everyone left and we bathed all of the kids we set up movies and pallets in the living room. We had snacks and danced a little bit before we started watching movies so almost everyone was tired. We watched as the boys feel asleep and went to set up kays room and the guest room for them.

Kasen and Jakob slept in his bed, ace on the other bed, and Marlon, Jason, and Javari in the guest bed. Lani and Marilyn shared her bed. After getting them situated Bey carried me to our room.

We talked in the shower for a whilr before bathing and going to bed.

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