Chapter 9

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10:30 am

I woke to Beyonce shifting around. I whined before snuggling my face into her breast. She stilled for a minute before shifting again.

"Stop moving bey" I mumbled.

"Sorry mamas but it's time to get up" she said softly

I lifted my head and puckered my lips. She leaned down and kissed my lips before I finally sat up and went to use the bathroom. I washed my hands before telling bey I was going to the house to get our stuff.

I hopped in her car and drove to our house. I packed 2 days worth of clothes for us and kay. I also packed toothbrushes, socks, soap and other hygiene related things.

I packed some of Kay's toys and his tablet before taking a shower and driving back up to the hospital. As I was walking down the hallway I heard Beyonce and someone else talking. So I peaked around the corner and watch what was happening.

"I thought you were just his overnight doctor" Beyonce said scratching her neck.

"I am but I came back to see your fine ass" the doctor flirted walking closer making me and Beyonce scrunch up our faces.

"Im not interested, that beautiful woman I know you saw laying on me last night is the only one worth my attention" she said smiling.

I smiled widely until I heard the doctor speak again.

"That ugly ass bitch aint got nothing on me" she said rolling her neck. My smile dropped along with Beyonce's.

"Nicki is a whole lotta things but ugly isn't one now you got one mo' time to call her outta her name and it gonna be me and you" she threatened.

I finally walked over to them mugging the doctor and kissing beyonce again before turning to the doctor. I leaned to her and told her a secret. Her eyes widened and she quickly walked away. Smiling I walked back into the room to see my son.

"Hey bubba how you feeling "

"I good man dis shit don't hurt " he said with low eyes referring to his arm. I gasped popping his hand.

"Stop using those words kay you know better. Beyonce why is he acting like this?" I asked turning my face up.

"They gave him something to ease the pain. He's been acting like that since he woke up" she said shrugging.

"BB i want some gawddamn chicken " kay said oso seriously causing bey to laugh.

"Kasen Jeremiah I won't tell ya again watch ya mouth" I said letting my accent slip with certain words.

I gave bey her clothes before sitting in her spot while she took a shower. His regular doctor came in and said he had to stay another night then he should be good to go. I looked over at Kasen to see he was knocked out.

I started dosing off waiting for beyonce to come out of the bathroom so we could cuddle. As soon as she came out and I was on the path to dreamland someone knocked on the door. I said a raspy come in and in came Tray, Austin, Messiah, and my mom.

I stood up stretching and went to hug all of them as Tray glared at Beyonce as she sat in the recliner behind me. Everybody else said hellos and shook her hand while tray just glared at her. Its not that he didn't like her, he just didn't like what she put me through.

"When did this happen?" He asked eyes shifting between me and Bey.

"3 almost 4 months ago but we aren't official...yet" I said slightly blushing.

"As long as she's happy I'm happy" Tray said finally smiling as he dapped bey up.

"So hows he doing" my mom asked standing over kay.

"Good besides the drugs they give him" I stated rolling my eyes causing bey to chuckle.

Everybody stayed and chated until they either go kicked out or had something to do. Tray and messiah  left because Messiahs mom Kendall called and they had the typical ratchet baby mama conversation and so he went to drop him off.

Austins girlfriend called and asked if they were still going out tonight so he left to get ready for that. My mom kept asking questions and being loud so we sent her home for the night.

I went to the nurses station and got some more blankets. I layed on beyonce and waited until the over night nurse came. I wanted to see what she would do or say if I couldn't hear or see her.

"Knock Knock hey sexy" she flirted walking in.

"Girl bye"beyonce dissed almost making me blow my cover.

"So for real I gotta question" she said. I opened my eyes slightly to see her right in front of us twirling her hair.

"Is it about Kasen?" Bey asked

"No but-"

"The door" Bey said pointing at the door.

Every time she tried to talk Bey cut her off and she eventually left out of the room. Bey laughed and shifted in her seat before speaking.

"I know you're not sleep " she whispered in my ear causing me to smile.

"You handled it well baby" I said kissing her before we cuddled our way to sleep.
Didnt proof read
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