Chapter 8

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12:30 pm

I woke up to a very quiet house which is unusual when you have children and beyonce living with you. I just assumed they were downstairs in the garage where he has outside toys and other stuff. Rubbing my neck which was oddly sore I stood and stretched.

I grabbed fresh underwear and headed to the bathroom. Turning the shower to the hottest settings I began to strip letting the water heat up. After I stripped I looked at myself in the mirror to see I had not 1 but 3 large purple hickeys on my neck.

Shaking my head I hopped in the shower as the mirror started to fog up. I took at 15 minute shower to ease my tense muscles before getting out and putting on my underwear.

Walking over to my phone I seen I had an unread message. I unlocked my phone to see that Beyonce had texted me.

Baebey Mama💕🙄: Good morning mamas I have Kasen with me for a few hours. I decided to take him shopping and when I come back we can all go to the park or something. I'll be back around 1:30 so be ready. 11:30  am

I smiled before I decided to clean the house. Not that it was dirty it just had things out of order and I had to do laundry and straighten kays room. I threw on an old over sized shirt and began my day.


12:30 pm

Today I decided to take Kasen on a little shopping trip. So far I've bought him 3 pairs of jordans,2 pairs of foams, and some nikes. I took all of his stuff to the car so I could buy nicki some stuff.

I walk past Kay's Jewelry store while shopping for Kasen so I started in there. I seen some beautiful pieces of jewelry before I decided to get her a blue diamond bracelet and matching earrings. I also stopped got her a pair of Louis Vuitton red bottoms.

The whole mall experience with Kasen was awesome. He talked and laughed and i feel weird grew closer and not because I bought him gifts. I loved him before I knew he was mine but now I love him even more.

On the way home we listened to the radio and vibed.

"BB i hungry " he said when we pulled into the driveway.

"Well let's put every up and we can go get some food with mommy, okay? "

"Otay" he replied smiling.

We put all of his bags in his room and unpacked his toys then I went in Nickis room where I seen nicki twerking in front of the mirror. I ran behind her gripping her waist playfully dancing with her. She looked back at me and smiled before standing up pulling me into a hug.

"Get dressed kay said hes hungry so we're going to go to McDonald's then the park " I said slapping her butt causing her to moan and glare at me before walking into her closet.

I walk back to Kay's room to see him watching toy story. I grabbed him putting him on my shoulders before turning his tv off and walking to the car. I buckled him in before getting into the front and starting the car.

Nicki came out soon wearing booty shorts, a crop top, and jordans causing my mouth to drop. She got in the car and smirked at me before turning around to greet kay. As good as she looks she isn't allowed to wear these shorts out anymore.

I drove to McDonald's and we went inside, ordered, and found a place to sit.

"Mommy was papa over last night? " Kasen asked.

"No why" nicki asked just as confused as me.

"I heard you say, Daddy!" He said causing me to choke on my drink and nickis face to turn red.

"I was on the phone with him " she lied covering her face.

He just nodded his head and continued to eat his chicken nuggets. I took out my phone and texted Nicki.

Babygirl🤞🏾🤤: i hit your thigh to get you to be quiet next time take my advice.

I seen her check her phone before looking at me and rolling her eyes. I secretly caressed her thigh causing her to groan lightly. I eased my hand into her pants and underwear to see how wet she was.

After dipping my hand in her honey pot I took it out and looked her in the eyes while sucking them. She whined and pouted before turning to talk to Kasen. I smiled innocently before throwing away the trash and walking to the car.

Nicki came and buckled Kasen in before she hopped in and I drove to the park. While we were at the park Kasen made a friend amd they were playing on the climbing wall. Me and Nicki were talking until we heard and Kay's friend ran up to us.

"Kasen fell off the top of the climbing wall!" She yelled running back to where Kasen was laid in the rubber pit. I ran over to him scooping him up before rushing to the car, i handed nicki my keys and sat in the back with a crying Kasen in my lap.

She drove up to the hospital and I jumped out carrying him to the nurses desk where they took him in the back and made us fill out the paper work for him.

We stayed in the waiting room for hours and Nicki was a crying mess because was over think it. Of course I'm scared but i don't want to show it because it will only freak her out even more.

"Knowles?" A doctor asked causing us to walk over to him.

"There's good and bad news. The good news is there is not major injuries except for the arm he landed on. Bad news is he broke his left arm and sprained his shoulder so he wont be able to move that arm much but it should heal in about 5 months"

"Can we see him?"

"Absolutely down this hall to the elevator go to floor 5 room 523"

We nodded before heading to his room. As soon as we entered his room his face lit up.

"Hey mommy and bb" he cheesed

"Hey baby how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine" he said turning to watch the tv.

I sat in the recliner while nicki sat on the couch by his bed. Me and kay had a conversation about colors and shapes until he fell asleep. I watched nicki try to get comfortable on the couch before she got up and layed on me snuggling her head in my chest before finally going to sleep.

I stayed up waiting for the doctor to come in and do the last check for tonight before going to sleep. His overnight doctor was a female named Ms.Union and she kept eyeing me and biting her lips at me. It was around 12 o'clock before I actually went to sleep. What a day, and I forgot to give nicki her jewelry i bought earlier today.
Didn't proof read
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