The Big Three Words

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We sit there in silence watching Civil War and eating our breakfast. I don't mind the silence though. It is strange, but I have always hated the big and loud things in relationships. Being with someone should be something that is independently celebrated. It does not require a marching band and a skywriter to tell someone that you love them. I guess we have not officially said the three big words. I guess those are big and loud in their own way, but that is how they should be.

 I keep looking over at him, he is just so beautiful, it is insane. His perfect hair was swept back as it is the most of the time, the colour really showing through as his hair is drying more and more.  His lips are larger than most and look like clouds that I could just lay on and lose all of my worries, not that I don't already think about that all the time. His jawline is so sharp that I could get cut on it, not that I need to go into much detail on that. Then his eyes are glistening in the huge wall of windows that is on the other side of his bed, the blue really just catches my eyes and makes me think about the sky, and ocean. How infinite they are and how infinite and deep my feelings for him are. I want to stay here forever, seeing this scene every morning and before I go to sleep. How could I not want that? 

I realise I am still staring at him, caught in this trance of wonder and awe. When he turns to look back at me, I don't even realise it despite being able to see the full depth of his eyes, the lushness of his lips, and his clear and smooth complexion. 

"What's up?" He asks, tilting his head to the side perplexedly.

"I just–you. You are this amazing and beautiful guy, sitting across from me in a bed that I wish we could stay in." I respond, a little frazzled but wanting to be bold.

"Oh thanks, darling." He casually responds.

"What did you just call me?" I ask, a little caught off guard.


"Why did you call me that?"

"Well, we are a couple now. Am I not allowed to call my boyfriend by love, or darling, or babe?" He asked quizzically.

"I guess you are. It will just take a little bit of time to get used to hearing. Darling." I whisper out the last part. Kind of scoffing at the thought of Harrison calling me these pet names. This is something I have always dreamed of and it was finally happening! 

Harrison's smile deepened and grew more sincere from the smirk he was wearing just moments ago. we both looked back at the TV, the scene right before Tony comes to Brooklyn was on the screen and Harrison couldn't stop smiling like a bloody idiot. I wonder if he was always like this at this scene. I mean he saw it with me at the premier but I did not realise when I was going to come on so it was unexpected. But now it was like second nature. He kept tapping me on the leg and grinning. I thought it was adorable. 

"Look look it is my baby!" He shouts which gets me to laugh at him for saying it.

We watch this scene and once it is over Harrison turns towards me with a huge grim on his face and I turn to see him eye-to-eye. He looks like he is so happy to be here, in this moment, with me. His smile fades into a small toothless grin. He looks calm, at peace, and I can't help myself. I lean over and kiss him on the cheek again. His face turns bright red, as if I had never done that before, as he turns back towards the TV. 

I look down and see that we have both finished our breakfast's and think, "It is almost time to go and meet out with our friends." So I get up and say it is just about time lifting he tray off of the bed and bringing it to the table that was on the other side of the room and I hear Harrison start to say something.

"No lets not go quite yet, it is still pretty early and I want to spend some more time with my boyfriend." He offers his hand for me to grabs so I walk over and take it.

Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield // Torrison // Not Finished // FluffWhere stories live. Discover now