The Reaction of the Public

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We sit through the rest of the interview. I get asked a few more questions and so does the rest of the cast then we are ushered off of the stage. We are ushered out of the studio and into the dressing rooms again. We are given some instructions. And told that we can leave when we want to as long at it is before a certain time. The girls and the boys split up and Jacob says that he is going to go out so that Harrison and I can have some private time. He still has my hand trying to squeeze the life out of it like an anaconda. He walks me over to the couch and sits me down peeling my hand off of his. I released my death grip and almost feinted on the couch. He quickly whisked me into his chest and let me stay there for a while.

I sat there and started to cry. These shows are shot during the day then showed at night. It was going to be a while before the world knew about what is new with me. Harrison was still there petting me like I was a dog sleeping on his lap. I did not realize I was crying until I saw the wet spot formulating on his shirt. I leaned up to see him staring at me. I was happy that he is mine. More so in that moment then in most others. I pulled myself up to kiss him and I slowly moved my lips on his. His soft, cloud like lips. They were still wet from him having licked his lips.

I bit his bottom lip and nibbled on it a little, he just let it happen. I pulled at his lip and let it go going back in for more kissing. I pushed my youngest forward to try to penetrate his lips. He put on a little bit of a fight before he let me in to explore. This is the first real make out that we have had. We continued to slowly kiss as we explored each other's mouths with our tongues. I pushed my hand up his shirt grabbing his waist. I continued to slowly ease his shirt up to his chest. I stopped kissing him and pushed him down onto the couch and got on top of him.

I hovered over him starring into his beautiful blue eyes and I ran my hand through his soft blonde hair. I went into kiss him.

    "Come on guys we need to get out of he-" Jacob walked in on us and cut himself off when he saw what was happening.
    "It hasn't even been that long." I said getting off of Hazza.
    "It's been like an hour since we got off stage." Jacob said slowly opening the door to see if everything was clear.
    "Just wait outside we will be out in a second." Harrison said as he sat up and pulled his shirt down to his waist and pushing his legs onto the ground.

Hazza and I stood up and I grabbed his waist then pulled him into a hug. I started to let go and he grabbed my waist pulled me in for a kiss then let go of me only to quickly grab my hand again. We walked out of the room together and we went the way that the security guard had taken us in the first place. We followed it outside and discovered that it was starting to turn dark. We got a taxi and asked them to take us to Times Square where Jacob said Zendaya was going to get us a reservation for dinner.

The ride was long. The traffic was terrible. I started to drift away with my hand in Harrisons, head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on mine. Clearly tired as well and put his other hand on my thigh. I rested mine on my arm gripping his bicep of the hand that was holding mine.

We got to the end of our ride, I had slept the entire time. Harrison lightly shook me awake while Jacob was handing the driver cash. We barreled out of the back seat of the car and onto the sidewalk which was not busy at all. This was surprising seeing as we were at dinner in the financial district. We walked into this little restaurant called O'Haras. It was a bar and restaurant that honored the firefighters that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks. The walls were lined with sticker badges from fire departments all over the US. We got seated. Zen and Jacob on one side and Harrison and I on the other. Harrison and I sat in the corner pushed up against the wall wrapped up in each other's arms. He was so warm, I felt like I could fall asleep in his strong muscular arms. I was happy here.

The waitress came around and smiled at Hazza and I then asked what we would like to drink. Harrison got a beer for the two of us to split. Zendaya stuck with water and Jacob got coffee. They brought us our drinks while we were looking at the menu. We al put our menus down and the waitress came around again asking what we wanted. Hazza ordered for the two of us and Jacob and Zen got whatever the wanted. Hazza and I decided to split on of the specialty burgers. They were really good based off of all of the reviews that I had seen. I start to drift off in Harrisons arms when th waitress comes around and Lear her throat listing off our different meals. Haz's and mine was first. She puts it down in front of us and we get started. He picked up the burger and I started on the fries. When he got through half of the burger he gave it to me and I finished it up. It was so good! I loved it, and I loved that after we had split it it was the perfect amount of food. We finished up the meal and I gave the lady my card. She took it and ran it. We sat there and finished up our drinks. Then we got ready to go back to the hotel room.

We caught a taxi and got back to the hotel where the freshly cleaned sheets were waiting. Harrison and I went shirtless and got into bed together. We propped ourselves up to look at our phone. Then it was time for Jimmy Fallon to come on the tv. There were already rumors on the internet, and this would confirm it all. We watched through the episode. Harrison had scooted himself closer to me and had put his hand on my thigh to help comfort me a little bit more. A tear or two rolled down my cheeks as we watched the show. The tv flicked to commercials and Haz turned it off. We sat there for a little while but then Harrison said we should go to bed He laid down, and I laid down next to him. Resting myself on him as if he were a pillow. My strong and handsome pillow. And without another word I was out on his chest, intertwined with his limbs.
    "Did you hear that Tom Holland is gay?"
    "Yes I did! That is outrageous!"
    "He is going to lose his Marvel contract!"
    "I agree. We can't have a fag on the tv for our kids to watch and idolize!"
I woke up in Harrisons arms again. He was still asleep. I feel his morning syndrome on my leg. I leave a trail of wet kisses up his chest to his mouth and kiss him. He wakes up to this. With me still attached to him. I snuggle my head back into his chest and he mumbles something that I can't make out. Then my phone starts to ring. I blow the off as just a few twitter updates. But my phone keeps on buzzing. I pick it up and look at he the screen and shoot up. Harrison is up to. I get out of bed and he does to following me as a I pace the floor. He looks at me freaking out and grabs the phone out of my hand.
    "Put your swimming suit on we are going to the hot tub."
    "Not right now Harrison I am not in the mood."
    "Thomas Stanley Holland we are going to the hot tub. I will drag you down there in nothing but your underwear if I have to!"
I go and fit my swim suit over my boxers and we go down to the hot tub. Bring my phone and and get in the warm water. I breathe out from the heat of the water. I keep going until I am submerged to my waist then I squat my body down and wade over to the side of the tub. Harrison joins me. I go to grab my phone and he jerks my head and pulls me into a kiss. He grabs my waist and pulls my body over his so that I am straddling him. We sit there and make out slowly, but with purpose. I am in love with this goof. What he does to me are things that I have never felt before. He makes me happy to be alive. He pulls away but holds on to my waist.
"No matter what they say, I love you. And your family loves you. And the people that can not put up with you being gay do not deserve to know who you are and do not know the real you. They do not know the you that I know."
I lean back in and kiss him a little bit more and he lets go of me. I go over to my phone and look at it. There is nothing bad that I can see. There is noting that is encouraging yet either. Everything is blowing up. I open my phone and go onto CNN and see my name plastered on the front page. I open twitter and see my name surrounded by gay. I open facebook, there is nothing bad there. It is all encouraging. People saying that they hope Hazza and I are happy together. My phone does not stop going off. I put it down and sit back down with Hazza. He asks me if I am okay and I just nod. I reach over and turn off my phone. Then I attack Haz with a barrage of kisses as we climb out of the hot tub. We hold hands on the way back up to the room and we climb in bed with towels on out lower half's and go back to sleep. He holds me tight, humming as I drift off to sleep in my beautiful boyfriends arms.

Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield // Torrison // Not Finished // FluffWhere stories live. Discover now